Things from another realm

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Johnnie pov

Later on me and my friends pulled up at the house .

Later on me and my friends pulled up at the house

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" wow" Colby said getting out of the car . Everybody closed the door and walked up to the house ." How are we supposed to get in?" Sam asked. I saw Jake dig in his pocket ." Jack pot" Jake said pulling out a Bobby pin and sticking it inside of the door. I looked around while waiting . The door then got open . We all walked inside .

The house was brown in the inside , the walls were a dirty white , the stairs were wooden dark brown , there weren't no spider webs , the living room was clean as well and so was the kitchen ." Are you sure no one lives here ?" I asked." Johnnie you looked it up for yourself , a-ban-doned " Colby spaced out . " this place is pretty clean to be abandoned " Sam said .

" maybe someone comes every week and cleans the house " Colby says ." Why would they it's abandoned Colby " I said ." Look guys just loosen up " Jake said ." I brought liquor " Colby said ." Right on " Sam said grabbing a bottle, and the boys went in the living room as I sat there looking up at the stairs ." Johnnie , come on " Jake said . I look away from the stairs and goes in the living room . I grab a bottle .

I sat down next to Sam . Sam was drinking the liquor like it was water . I just kept my eyes on the stairs for some reason." Wanna play a game ?" Colby ask."sure what game ?" Sam asked ." Maybe truth or drink " Colby says ." Sure , I don't mind " Jake said ." Johnnie !" Sam said ." Johnnie " he said again. I jumped." Oh huh ?" I said ." Why are you so focused on them stairs ?" Colby asked . " umm nothing ." I said ." Hmm , well do you want to play truth or drink ?" Colby asked me ."sure" I said .

"Okay , who wants to ask something first " Jake asked ." I'll ask Colby something , Jake you can ask Johnnie something, Johnnie will ask Jake something . And Colby will ask me something " Sam said ." Alright " I said . The game then began . " is it true you had a dog in the 5th grade ?" Sam asked Colby." Yeah why would I like about something like that ?" Colby said. " hmm okay " Sam said . " is it true you were always class president?" Colby asked Sam.

Sam did a nervous laugh , and he drunk his drink , he made everyone laugh." Wow why would you lie about something so dumb" Colby asked . Sam laughed again . " okay Jake , is it true you still don't have feelings for your ex ?" I asked ." Yes it's true , I will never get back with her " Jake said." Okay if you say so , it's whatever " I said." Is it true you had spicy content when you were 15" Jake asked me. I did a laugh ." Umm yeah it's true , wanna see ? It's still up" I said." Maybe later " Jake said with a smile . " okay sure " I said.

A Little time past on by and we were all still in the living room chatting about random things . " um im gonna go use the bathroom " I said." More like you can try , if the toilet even still flushes ". Colby says with a laugh . I smile back at him and goes up the stairs , I looked around my surroundings to see where I was going , I then see a door , I open it and see a girl crying on the toilet . I jump ." Oh I'm so sorry ". I said. The girl slowly looks up at me .

She comes to me and hugs me , I'm confused but I feel bad at the same time , I rub her back letting her know she's safe ." Who are you ?" I asked pulling away from the hug. She looks up at me and starts to kiss me .she pulls me in the bathroom more and close the door with her back. Me and her are having a make out session right now . She then pulls away from the kiss , I look into her messed up mascara eyes . Her eyes were a beautiful blue. Like the ocean , such a bright color just gorgeous.

She then gets down on her knees and she unbuckles my belt . I didn't know what to do so I let her do what she was doing . She zipped down my pants and pulled my 🤫 out . She began to suck , I put my head back and grabbed on her hair , I didn't know if I was really seeing this or not because I was so drunk .

She then pulled away , she buttoned and zipped my pants back up the put my belt back on . She smiled and pointed behind me , I looked Behind me ." What?" I said before Turning back around . When I looked she was gone ! "Wait huh no this can't be possible , where did she go ?" I said . I pissed real quick and I ran down the stairs , my friends looked at me weirdly ." Yo what's wrong ?" Colby asked ." I- there's someone here with us right ?" I said." Wait Johnnie what ? Woah" Jake said ." There were just a girl in the bathroom , she was crying in there " I said.

" Johnnie were the only ones here" Sam said." But she kissed me and - okay I know this is gonna sound weird but she sucked my dick she's real" I said. They all looked at eachother in confusion." Where is she now ?" Sam asked ." She's not in the bathroom anymore , did she come down here ?" I asked ." No " Colby said ." Then it was - it was - a ghost " I said." Damn , we got to get out of here " Sam said." Wait it's a good thing he saw a ghost , now we can do a hunt " Colby said." Are you crazy , we could die " Sam said . " we know when to stop " Colby said . " I promise we won't die " Jake said. I looked at Sam , he was shaking his head no while looking at me ." Guys Sam is scared can we not do this ?" I asked ." Guys stop over reacting " Colby said . " I don't know ,I'm out " Sam said about to walk to the door .

A loud annoying sound came on making each of us cover our eyes. " ahh!" Colby scremed . The sound then got cut off . We in covers our ears and looked at each other . I heard a tick on the stairs , I looked to see the same girl , I started to walk up the stairs ." Johnnie " I heard my friends call before I fainted and fell back down the stairs .

Things from another realm  Where stories live. Discover now