Ice skating practice.

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Felix's POV:
After lunch it was baking class time. I decided to take baking because I love to bake. I make these brownies and people, by that I mean family, say their super good. (Idk if you can actually take baking)

During baking class I spill fucking flour all of me. So then I was just a laughing stock of covered in flour. But might as well get used to it really.

After baking class was my band class. Yes I took band, I played the flute with two other people. I don't really talk to them but it's alright because I can focus. As I was putting together my flute I saw seungmin and jeongin walk in. Wondering why they were here I started at them, with a weird expression. (Ik he probably wouldn't play band but I do so. And also the flute so.)

"Hey is this the band room?" Jeongin asked the teacher looking around then back at him.

"Yeah, are you two the new band students. Uhmm a clarinet and flute?" Asked the teacher looking at a paper them back at them.

"Oh yeah, yeah. He's the flute and I'm the clarinet" said seungmin pointing at jeongin then himself.

So jeongin is doing flute huh? And seungmin clarinet. I couldn't really see any of them playing instruments. Especially this time in the year. It would be kinda late right? Oh well, at least I have kinda someone to talk to know I guess.

The band teacher called them up to ask some questions but not much just one really.

"Do you guys have an instrument?" asked the teahcer staring at them.

They shook their heads no and the band teacher just sighed. "Just, sit down in your guys sections and pay attention. You better get your guys instruments soon." he said. Which in return they nodded back to him in a positive way. I signed and opened my binder finding the music we probably will play today knowing the band teacher.

"Oh, Felix?! You do band?" jeongin asked me when he came to sit by me. The other two flutes staring at him, well actually, us, surprised.

"Mhm yep I do."I said back looking at him then the music piece sighing to myself.

He just nodded and listen to the teacher talk about music and blah blah blah. I really do hat band sometimes.

After band class I put my instrument and my music in the lockers they have in the band room. After I out it all away I went to my ACTUAL locker and packed my bag, grabbing it, and taking it with me to dance class. I decided to take dance as well because it just sounded like a good opportunity to do. Surprisingly I do dance then ice skating practice right after? I really didn't know what I was thinking but I don't mind it.

As I walking in the dance room I saw most people warming up in a circle. When I look at the people I noticed minho and hyunjin there as well. They just keep popping up everywhere I go. Even mostly all my classes! I signed and put my stuff down and grabbed my dance shoes and clothes to change. After I changed I went to the circle to warm up as well. Hyunjin smiled at me and I smiled back, the same with minho.

After Sometime we got in position to dance. Starting off with some easy to choreography to some hard choreography. Not to bad I have to say, by how it was going I think the practice will be good. And It should be. I hope so at least....

Ok practice was ok I'm alright, eveyone is good. I went to my bag and grabbed more new clean clothes. But these clothes were for ice skating practice so I'd already be changed.

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Ice skating prince (skz x Felix) Where stories live. Discover now