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Jack's POV

"The code is 1 - 4 - 7 - 9." I spoke into the phone, my boss confirming the code on the other end. "Yeah 1479... You got it? Okay... Yes, sir." A click sounded on his end of the line as he hung up, leaving me with the unconscious diner owner. It definitely wasn't the cleanest job to have, but I got to work on my own, live out away from the city, and doing the dirty work that no one else wants to do did pay quite well.

My mask became like a second skin on jobs like this. Constantly in my back pocket, when the boss could call at anytime and send me downstairs to ask a few more 'questions', but it rarely lasted for more than 4-5 days, and Travis was running out of time. Heading back upstairs, darkness had overtaken the house as the clock reached for midnight. Silence seeping into the shadows as I made my way down the hallway. Easing the door to my bedroom open I could barely make out her form with the light from the alarm clock. She was on my side of the bed, curled up beneath the blankets, one hand under her head and the other wrapped tightly around herself. I had alway slept on the left side of the bed. Not sure why, just always had for some reason, but she could have it. She could have anything she asked for. I'd do anything to give it to her.

I wondered for just a moment if she'd slept on the left side of the bed before I'd taken her. If she cared. If she usually slept on her side, or on her back. If she slept with a nightlight or a stuffed animal. All questions I'd have to ask her. I'd learn everything about her in time. All things considered, she was taking all this very well. Being kidnapped, losing everything, although I suspected she hadn't lost much in the first place. It must be terrifying for her, but I'd be there to pick up the pieces.

Creeping up to the bed, I couldn't help but gaze over her body under the sheets. The silhouette of her curves faintly outlined in the darkness. She was small for her age, built like a runner with a slim face and long legs. My mind flashed back to the bathroom. The goosebumps on her skin as I pulled her pants down, her hand on my shoulder to steady herself as my hands ran up her legs. The way her arms crossed as she pulled that awful green diner shirt over her head. Her clothes in my hand, still warm, as I ran them downstairs to the furnace, so they'd never be found by some random idiot. I could still pick up the tiny traces of her cheap perfume. Floral. How the towel framed her chest as she climbed out of the shower. How my shirt hung across her slight frame.

I leaned down over her silently, careful not to wake her up, and inhaled deeply. Taking in the scent of her in my bed. My laundry detergent and shampoo mixing beautifully with smell of her skin. I'd pick up some toiletries for her next time I was in town, some nicer bathroom supplies so she didn't have to use the shitty stuff I got for myself, but for now she was fine. Seeing her downstairs in that disgusting room had sparked concern in me. Worried that the cold and damp of the basement would make her sick, but she seemed okay.

Standing back up, I smiled to myself. She was adorable, curled up in my bed, her head on my pillow. She must've been so tired to sleep so soundly. Straight through the screaming of that moron gambler in downstairs. I reached over her, gently tucking the duvet closer around her shoulders, watching her carefully to make sure I didn't wake her up. I wouldn't come to bed tonight, I'd be up every few hours to head back downstairs and bring that diner owner closer to death. No, me getting in and out of bed like that would definitely wake her. I'd stay out in the living room for now, catching and hour or so of sleep on the couch and scrolling my phone. Soon though. Soon it'd just be us.

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