Looking for your rescue party?

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Sitting at the table, I watched as my captor wandered through the kitchen. He hovered over the stove watching a pot of something and flipping a sandwich on a griddle. Despite not having much of an appetite, I couldn't deny that whatever he was making smelled pretty good. Everything had settled to an tense understanding over the last few days or so, his constant presence sitting over me like a vulture that only made a move when I did.

Thankfully he had let me hobble out here on my own today. A welcome change to him having to carry me everywhere, but he still watched my every step. Every time my toes shuffled against the carpet. His eyes glued to me. But then again, he did always have a thing for blondes. His words haunted me every time I felt his gaze on me. I bit back a wince as I fidgeted with the bandage around my knee. No way I was going to let him know that anything hurt, that every step built up the slow ache in my knee and ruin my first chance at a sliver of independence in days. I just had to make it long enough for someone to report me missing. For my leg to heal enough that I could put all my years in track to use. For the police to come bursting through those doors and find me. I could do that. And until then I could wait and watch. Find my window, my exit.

I knew that at least one side of the house was backed my trees, but there had to be a road somewhere. And a road meant people, towns, help. Maybe I could sneak over to a window, look for any sign of civilization. A plate set in front of me drew me from my thoughts. A small cup of soup and a grilled sandwich, one of the few meals that he seemed to know how to make, but he made it pretty well. He hadn't shaved in a few days, the light stubble from a few days before getting darker and longer. His clothes were crumpled. It looked like he had slept in them, and from what I could tell he hadn't changed since the day he snatched me. The bags under his eyes rivaled mine. For a moment I considered asking one of the million questions I had. Where was I? Who was he? Was he really a hitman or just some psycho? After all he had answered all my questions so far. But before I could gather the courage, a familiar ringtone buzzed from the phone in his pocket.

He stood as he answered it, moving through the kitchen and stepping out a door that I was pretty sure led to a garage. I realized my opportunity as soon as the door closed, and with a twinge of pain I pushed myself up from my chair. Shuffling quietly to the nearest window, I was disappointed to see trees as far as the window frame would let me. I knew I wasn't going to find some massive sign with a city and state name, but my heart sank a little as I turned and used the back of the couch to help support myself. A muffled conversation outside encouraged me as I limped over to the next window, hoping for something identifiable. Just trees. Snow covered sparkling trees that would've been a beautiful sight if I wasn't searching for an escape. I peaked across the room to a window on the far wall, the only side of the house I hadn't check yet. Shuffling across the room, I prayed for any sign of live as I reach up and pushed open the blinds.

All hope for escape in my body deflated as I peered through the blinds. Snow and trees as far as the eye could see. Just miles of icy wilderness in every direction.

"Looking for your rescue party?" It was like he teleported to right behind me. His taunting whispers in my ear making me flinch straight into him. Not that he seemed to mind as his hands fell to my waist to keep me from tumbling over. "Not much to see out there, cant' exactly have neighbors overhearing my day-to-day." He chuckled as I froze, "And just in case you were thinking of running away. This forest goes on for about 2 hours in that direction and about 3 hours in this direction. And that's by car, so I suggest you don't." I could feel the muscles in his chest shift as he pointed towards the expanse of trees. "As much as I wouldn't mind hunting you down and bringing you back, frostbite is incredibly painful." The smell of coffee lingered on his breath. His hands sending goosebumps across my body as they held firm on my hips. I swallowed hard, trying to ignore the chills running down my back as his nose edged against my ear. Breathing deeply with a chuckle, "Finish your food and wash up. I'll be right back."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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