Chapter three - console me

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A/N: sorry but I think this chapter sucks. Please don't hate and I promise a better chapter will come out soon.

"Turn around."

A shiver ran up Thomas's spine.

The request seemingly simple, but it terrified Thomas.

"TURN AROUND, DIMWIT!" The vice harsher and louder this time.

Thomas slowly turned around, his hands raised defensively.

"Brad please, I'm just trying to get to my after school tuto-" He couldn't continue.

Brad's fist came flying towards his face, knocking into his jaw pushing him a few steps back.

Little ripples of fire crawled up his cheeks to nip his throbbing head.

Thomas rubbed his temple, clinging to a locker for balance.

Brad made a snarky chewing sound with his lip piercing as a nasty grin stretched across his cheeks.

He stroked his dirty stubble as he lifted his leg, Kicking Thomas down by his stomach.

Thomas lay on the linoleum floor clutching the hurt area, his eyes squeezed shut.

Then he seemed to feel some sort of adrenaline begin to flow throughout his veins.

The hurt vanished for a short while.

Thomas gathered strength that he didn't know he had and jumped to his feet, hitting Brad back.

The bully went flying back.

Thomas felt like a hero and took a minute to look at what he accomplished.

Then Brad started moving and all that confidence just flew away.

As the bigger boy wiped his bloody jaw Thomas cowered.

They had a short moment where they just stared at one another, both surprised by what just happened.

Then as if they could speak telepathically, Thomas turned and ran while Brad chased furiously.

Thomas ran all the way to his house, Brad chased him the whole way.

Luckily Thomas could lock his door.

He bolted up the stairs to his bedroom and grabbed his labtop. He was crying, he didn't usually do that but fear seemed to overwhelm him at the moment.

He did the first thing he could think of.

To: Bloodywalljumper
Look, I know we barley know each other but I've had another awful day and I'm scared. Can you please console me?

He stared at the screen. Minutes later he revived a reply.

Bloodywalljumper: Well, I don't know what calms you down so I don't know what to say. But, I'm here and you can talk about it if you want.

Even though he barley said anything Thomas felt at ease now that he could talk to N.

Greenie16: This bully at my school, Brad. He beats me up because I'm gay. He's been pretty awful lately.

Bloodywalljumper: That sucks. Trust me I can relate. I have multiple bullies at my school who are all homophobes. Lucky me.

Greenie16: It seems were more alike than I thought.

Bloodywalljumper: It seems so.

Thomas didn't understand why but he now felt so calm. So comfortable.

Greenie16: Do you have any secrets? I know I sound like an 11 year old girl but telling secrets calms me down.

Bloodywalljumper: Maybe you are an 11 year old girl. Since this is anonymous I guess I can. When I was 12 I came out for the first time. It was to a boy named Sam. He kissed me but the next day he moved away. I sent him a love letter and I still don't know if he got it because a never responded. I know that's not "juicy" but it's all I can. Think of right now.

Greenie16: wow. The only thing I can think of is that I have a secret crush. Lame, I know. He's in my school but I'm too scared to approach him.

Bloodywalljumper: Approach him! 

Greenie16: I might.

Bloodywalljumper: I gotta go! I hope you approach him. Message you soon.

Bloodywalljumper has left the chat.

I sighed and looked out my window. "I wonder what N looks like." I thought aloud. "I wish we could meet."

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