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Casey sat in his room reading his book when Katalina, his beloved cousin appeared in his room. "Did you hear, cuz?" He sighed and shook his head not even bothering answering considering she would tell him anyway. He was proven right when Katalina continued "we're getting new students today. Spencer and Stephanie Salvatore." 

Casey nodded and went back to his book not really interested in the new students. It was then that Katalina spoke again "and Hope Mikaelson." 

Katalina expected the glare that was thrown her way. She knew that Casey hated his sister so much that they didn't refer to her as his sister per his request. Casey was seconds away from releasing his hell magic when he thought about what it meant. Likely his family, the Mikaelsons he meant would be showing up. 

He was excited to see Kol and Davina but that was about it. He knew that Kol had wanted to come see him anyway. The thing he was worried about was his sperm donor. The father who hadn't seen him ever and who hadn't talked to him at all. Casey was over five hundred years old and his father didn't even know what he looked like. How pathetic is that? 

Casey like always hid his feelings behind a mask and his use of sarcasm. "So, the werepire actually bothers to care about one kid. Didn't know he could do that." Katalina expected the sarcasm and headed back to her room. 

Both Pierces had single rooms right across the hall from each other. Alaric then walked by and stopped in front of both rooms "oh Pierces, the Salvatore cousins are your roommates." 

"Great," both Pierces muttered as they preferred their own spaces, especially Casey.


Spencer Salvatore got dressed for his first day at the Salvatore school and went to meet his cousin. They lived in the same house after Spencer's father Stefan sacrificed himself and his mother Caroline abandoned him. 

They now stood in front of what used to be the Salvatore Boarding House and looked at all of the supernatural beings walking around. It was then that the two cousins noticed a girl along with the Mikaelsons. The two Salvatore siblings walked to the Mikaelsons and spoke "hi." 

The Mikaelsons all turned seeing a blonde male and a brunette girl. "hello." 

Spencer spoke to the girl who looked like she was starting there as well "I'm Spencer Salvatore" he then pointed to his cousin "and that's Stephanie Salvatore." 

"Salvatore?" Rebekah Mikaelson spoke up. "As in Damon and Stefan?" 

Spencer nodded "yes, I am the son of Caroline Forbes and Stefan Salvatore through some witch shit and Stephanie is the daughter of Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert also through some witch shit." 

Kol Mikaelson chuckled along with Davina Claire but they just wanted to see Casey. Suddenly a blonde appeared "you must be the new kids?" All three new kids nodded as the blonde looked at her paper "so Spencer and Stephanie Salvatore." Both Salvatores smiled and she smiled back before continuing "and Hope Mikaelson." 

The auburn-haired girl nodded as the blonde spoke again "so this tour will explain a little about the school and show you around." The Mikaelsons and Salvatores nodded before they were interrupted when two people walked out of the school. 

Both were raven-haired and they commanded attention like no one's business. Stephanie and Spencer couldn't help but be intrigued by the two. Kol and Davina secretly smiled at the sight of their son/nephew. Both teens walked past the group saying "hi, Lizzie" as they walked to the fountain behind the group. 

Lizzie smiled at them before turning back to the group as Elijah asked "who were they?" 

Lizzie sighed "those were the Bloody Heirs. Casey and Katalina Pierce." 

"The Bloody Heirs? Well, it looks like it fits." Spencer spoke as Lizzie nodded in agreement. 

It was Katalina who couldn't resist speaking knowing how much the sperm donor had hurt her cousin "hello, blood-sucking puppy that somehow created my cousin." 

Kol snorted while Niklaus looked at the girl confused "are you talking to me?" 

"Who else would I be talking to?" 

"Enough," everyone stopped when a voice like honey spoke in a commanding tone. Spencer looked at Casey who had spoken up. "Kata, thank you for defending me but you don't need to." He then looked to Kol and Davina "hello uncle Kol, aunt Davina." 

Klaus looked even more confused then said "who's son are you?" 

Casey glared at Klaus "I don't know sperm donor. Who's bio son am I?" 

Spencer and Hope both gasped as they figured it out. Klaus then spoke in shock "you're mine." 

"No, I'm not," Casey snarled. "You had over five hundred years to start giving a shit about me yet you never even bothered to find out what I looked like." 

"He's right, brother. He's not your son, he's mine." Klaus stared in shock as Kol smiled and opened his arms. The onlookers watched stunned as Casey Pierce softened before walking over to his uncle and melting into his arms. 

Hope watched as this was happening and then couldn't help but speak "wait, we're siblings. We must be the same." 

Kol felt Casey tense in his arms before slowly drawing back. Spencer and Stephanie saw the look on Casey's face and knew that was the wrong thing to say right now. Katalina looked downright murderous but suddenly Casey went poker-faced. He glared coldly at Hope "Don't make me laugh. My father is Kol Mikaelson and my mother is Katherine Pierce. I'm a fucking quadbrid and over five hundred years old. We are nowhere near the same." 

Hope's face fell from excited to upset. Kol smirked knowing that Hope needed to be knocked down a peg. The other Mikaelsons just stared in shock. Casey turned to Spencer and Stephanie "oh by the way, you guys are mine and Katalina's roommates. Just a word of warning I was raised by Kol Mikaelson, James Pierce, and Katherine Pierce trust is not in my vocabulary."


As Casey walked away the group was left speechless. Hope was curious about her brother along with Marcel. Niklaus felt awful knowing that Casey was right, he had over five hundred years to find his son yet he didn't. Kol was proud of his nephew as was Davina. Stephanie was curious about Katalina as Spencer was about Casey. 

They continued with the tour but Spencer was hooked on Casey Mikaelson Pierce. Stephanie knowing what her cousin was thinking spoke "Spence, be careful getting to know him. It may not be the best idea." 

Spencer smirked and before he spoke Stephanie already knew what he was going to say. "I'm not known for being arrogant, annoying, and cocky for no reason. I will make Casey Mikaelson trust me." 

Stephanie sighed before murmuring to herself "oh fuck it, if Spencer's going to try and get to know Casey then I might as well get to know his hot cousin."

Bloody Heirs - Spencer Salvatore (1)Where stories live. Discover now