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It had been three months and a lot had changed. 

For one, Casey and Spencer were now closer than ever and even dating as were Stephanie and Katalina. 

Two, Hope had started at the school which meant more of the Mikaelsons which meant more of the annoying blood-sucking puppy that was unfortunately Casey's birth dad. 

Three, Klaus Mikaelson had not stopped trying to get his son to talk to him. Casey had punched him in the face as had Kol, James, Spencer, and Katalina. 

That's currently where we are right now, with Klaus Mikaelson once again trying to get his eldest child and heir to talk to him. "Please, just listen to me." 

"Fuck off," Casey spoke icily cold as he stared at his sperm donor. 

"You are my son!" Klaus couldn't help but yell. 

When he did everyone in the room froze. Stephanie held back Katalina, Davina held back Kol, and Spencer grabbed onto Casey to make sure he didn't lose it. Meanwhile, Hope was just confused as to why being her father's son was bad. 

Kol struggled against Davina's grip as he glared at his brother. "He's my son. I was the one who found him all those years ago and made sure he knew that someone in this bloody family gave a shit about him." 

"You stole my son," Niklaus screamed as he turned on Kol. "My son." Hope who was listening to this was annoyed that her father seemed to care about a son he had never even raised and walked away along with Marcel. 

Kol scoffed in annoyance "a son you didn't want." 

Klaus snarled and sneered. "That doesn't give you the right to steal him from me. He's still my son." 

"Enough!" Casey yelled and took a breath before he looked his sperm donor dead in the eyes and Klaus's eyes widened as Casey's eyes glowed white "I am not your son. I am Kol Mikaelson's son because he's the one who cared to get to fucking know me."

Kol smiled at Casey as Klaus gasped and looked at his brother in betrayal. 


Meanwhile, Hope had walked out of the room with Marcel who was confused "who the hell is that guy?" 

"Our brother," Hope spoke nodding at the face Marcel had made. "From what I know, my father never cared for him. He's older than me by a lot but my father cared more for you and me than him."

Marcel nodded feeling awful for Casey but not understanding why Klaus had chosen to care for them and not Casey. "There is one thing I don't understand" Marcel spoke confused. "Why do you hate him?" 

"I don't," Hope sighed. "I just don't understand how I had my father but he had the love of my uncle Kol and all of the others including Aurora De Martel and the Pierces."

Marcel was stunned and made it known "hold on. He got Aurora De Martel to like him." 

Hope nodded "from what I learned about him yes. He's also dating a Salvatore, the son of Katherine Pierce, nephew of James Pierce, and is a quadbrid." 

"I didn't even know Quadbrid's existed." Marcel chuckled as he thought about how screwed Klaus was. Most of those people did not like Klaus in the slightest. "What is he?" 

"I don't know," Hope replied frustrated partially because she had no clue what species her half-brother was and partially because she hated not knowing. "He doesn't particularly like me either." 

Marcel snorted "Well, I imagine not if Klaus abandoned him and then kept you." 


While Marcel and Hope were talking Klaus was still staring at his estranged son and his brother who had lied to him for centuries. He couldn't help but feel ashamed as he stared at his eldest child knowing that he had failed him. He took a glance at Rebekah and Freya who were standing there "alright, I'll back off. But when you are ready to talk to me. Don't hesitate to come to me. I had a reason for abandoning you but I don't think you want to hear it now." 

Casey stared straight at Klaus as the hybrid walked away before being dragged to their room by Spencer who hugged him close knowing how hard that was for the quadbrid. As Spencer watched Casey collapse into his arms and break down at what had just happened. He couldn't help but hate Klaus Mikaelson even more for destroying this angel of a man. 

A/N: Last chapter before Legacies starts and no Klaus and Casey's relationship will not be getting any better for a while. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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