The Quest For Chaos

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"He is here?" Lan Qiren shuffled through papers, making a show that his youngest nephew was low on his list of priorities and that he was not in any hurry to make room in his schedule for his most glaring disappointment. "Tell him I will see him in two days. I have a Sect to run, and he contributes little, other than the barest minimum required."

Lan Xichen spoke softly, knowing his brother could hear every dismissive word. "Uncle, you know that Lan WangJi completes everything you assign him. It is always perfect, he applies himself to each class he teaches, every duty asked of him That is not fair."

"I say what is fair in Cloud Recesses, Sect Leader. Mind yourself. Yet he refuses my direct order to stop that incessant playing on the qin every night."

"He uses the Quiet Spell each time."

"And still, everyone knows he calls out for that criminal every night, despite my orders to the contrary."

Lan Xichen stiffened. "When Lan Zhan grieves, it is deeper than most. Need I remind you of what happened when Mother died and you did not allow him that time he needed?"

"How dare you blame me?"

"Who else was to blame? You pushed him to his limits after Nightless City, when he tried to save Wei Ying, and he nearly died for it."

"Do not mention that miscreant's name in front of me again!" Thundered Lan Qiren.

"Do not keep pushing my brother to his limits, Lan Sect Master." Lan Xichen's usually well-modulated voice rose in warning and the two men stared furiously at each other, neither willing to give ground.

A voice, even and measured did that for them. "Lan Sect Master. I am here to suggest something, that may put your mind to rest."

The two turned around and found Lan WangJi prostrate on the floor. He waited without moving, white robes spread perfectly around him. Lan Xichen was bitterly reminded of him in that posture before the Elders, waiting punishment. This was also not lost on his intractable Uncle who had the grace to blanch at the sight, before he gathered his self-righteous armor around his arrogant soul, once again.

"Lan Zhan, please rise. Do not..." Began the older brother, his anger instantly dissipating.

Lan Wangji stayed firmly in place.

Finally, Lan Qiren spoke sharp and unyielding, "Rise and stand before me. Let me hear it. "

The Second Jade, no longer perfect, flawed, his value lessened in his Uncle's narrow eyes, drew a deep breath. His eyes were distant as if looking past the walls surrounding him as if probing another dimension Lan Xichen knew instinctively that he was seeking the unattainably lost, and would never stop, in this lifetime or the next.

"Send me into Chaos.

Every night possible.

I will seek it out.

Every monster, every evil entity. Let me go into battle. Afterward, I will sing Inquiry at the Field of Slaughter. Nobody will be disturbed here in Cloud Recesses. On the nights when battle is not needed, I will go to the caves near the Cold Spring and play it there, where it cannot be heard. And where it cannot be noticed by anyone passing near the Jingshi. Then I will return home to sleep."

"Lan WangJi, do you take me for a fool? I know why you want this. You hold out hope that one day, by some miracle, your night-hunts will bring him to you. You still have value to this Sect, and risking your life on an idiot's quest is a misuse of a resource. No."

Lan Wangji gave a slight wince at the words and nodded. "Then I will leave with or without your permission. At least, if my request is granted, you and the Sect receive credit. If not, then I look as if I have gone rogue. You will look like a leader who can no longer control his disciples. Either option does not matter to me."

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