Seek and Find-Part 5

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Wei Ying picked up the plain white envelope and removed the single sheet of paper.

Hello Will. 

I am your neighbor. We have met before. Eight days ago, at Third Haven. I did not realize, at the time that you were residing in the building I had begun negotiating a space in as well. It was a surprise but not an unwelcome one.

I must begin by apologizing to you for not making my presence known as you approached my reading spot that day. I was hoping that you would continue on and I would not need to put you in an uncomfortable position. I miscalculated but, I am afraid I cannot feel truly sorry. 

As that person began to say things that he should never have uttered with such a lack of care, I  became angry. And glad that I could remove you from his presence. I hope any other human being would have done the same.

I am a photographer, attempting to become a person who is more independent from family. My Uncle wishes me to continue with the family firm. I seek another pathway now. 

I am not good at opening up to most people, and I am a little awkward when attempting to make friends. I am only friends with my brother and Huaisang.

If you aren't too worn out, would you like to come over for a cup of tea? I would like to return your keys to you, and perhaps I can apologize more formally in person.

Lan Zhan

PS...I like Sam Gamgee the best in your jungle.

Ying laid the letter down. This was...well,...the guy was right. He was a little more than a bit socially awkward. He sounded lonely. He seemed somewhat out of touch with the normal flow between people. But he was a little sweet as well. And he liked Sam Gamgee the best which showed great taste since the strong, and solid, bamboo in the center of the garden, was his favorite plant too! 

Maybe just one cup of tea would not hurt. After all, Ying was not one to reject such a strange, albeit polite, invitation. He did owe the man that much. And as stilted as he seemed in person as he drove him home that ugly day; his tongue loosened up much more when putting his words on paper. Plus, that handwriting was a treat to the eyes, flowing and pleasant like a creek that surprises you on an unfamiliar walk through the woods. He liked that. It set him at ease. So, almost against his will, he found himself grabbing a fabric gift bag from a junk drawer, (to be honest, most of his drawers were junk drawers, he needed to take care of that someday!), and placing several items in it. He grabbed a fresh box of blueberry muffins from the bag of groceries he had bought on the way home. After all, his elder sister once told him that no well-brought-up Southern boy ever went calling empty-handed. He stopped as he passed the jungle and saw that one of his favorite orchids had begun to bloom; tiny little pink flowers winked and caught his eye. 

"Thank you, Miss Bennett. That's a cool little touch!"

He gently pinched a wee spray and fit it into a small box to protect it. The last thing he did before he left was swish some mouthwash around his mouth, coughing like a consumptive patient out of a French opera, when he accidentally swallowed half of it. As he walked next door, he ran a hand through his thick mane of black hair.

The doorbell rang and Lan Zhan practically jumped out of his skin. He dashed to the mirror and made sure his outfit looked nice and he hissed at the bunnies as he passed. "Laozu, knock it off! Leave Hanguang alone. Neither of you is old enough to be a father yet! We have company. Some decorum, please!"

Laozu blissfully ignored him as he continued to molest Hanguang. Lan Zhan sighed and tried to ignore his enamored fur balls.

 Lan Zhan opened the door and Wei Ying's jaw dropped. He stood in shock, as he found himself looking into the face of the most handsome man he had ever seen, in his life. He knew that, after Mark had dropped his bombshell, he had been half mad with grief. Not only that, but he had felt completely eviscerated. But to have the gloriously beautiful man come to his rescue and not even notice how beautiful he was, was pathetic.

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