Seek and Find Part 8

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The night before their Grand Opening, they sat comfortably on the sofa, too excited about tomorrow. Invitations sent out had garnered a huge response. Pastries filled Lan Zan's butler's pantry and both refrigerators were cooling the beverages. Their best works were cleverly displayed within the jungle. 

They were watching Goblin: The Great and Lonely God and the moment when Gong Woo stood there, in Goryeo clothing, praying to be recognized by his lover, was affecting them both, for different reasons. Wei Ying was a softie when it came to dramas. He could cry at the drop of a hat. 

Lan Zhan fought his feelings back. The man by his side always chose to forget and to start totally anew. Lan Zhan did not know whose way of returning was the better one, even after all these lifetimes. It was better not to allow his emotions to take control at times like these. After the episode, they tidied up, Lan Zhan washing the few dishes and Wei Ying drying and putting them away. 

Then the doorbell on Wei's side rang, and he dashed to answer it. As Lan Zhan wiped down the counter, he suddenly heard a man's voice.

"May I come in?"


"Please."  Lan Zhan dropped his dishrag and moved swiftly, in time to see Mark walk in, despite Wei Ying refusing entry.

"I would like to talk to you."

"I do not want to talk to you!"

"Wei..." Lan Zhan was advancing, and he looked ready to kill. 

"Lan Zhan, please. You may stand by, but I will handle this. Okay?"

"Mn..." He crossed his arms and stood rock solid. This worm would not stand a chance.

The man sniffed as he recognized Lan Zhan from Third Haven. " I was replaced pretty quickly, I see. Isn't that Mr. Tesla?"

"That is no concern of yours. Did your Sugar Daddy dump you already?" 

Mark ignored the barb and glanced around the loft, that he had made fun of several months ago. "I like what you have done. He must be loaded." 

"We pooled resources to build a larger space. Became good friends after that day and later became housemates. So this place is now Lan Zhan's as well."

"Roomies. Quaint. Look ,Wei Ying. I came back to see if we could fix things. We meant a lot to one another once."

"Once. I have learned a lot since then, about what makes a bad man, and what makes a good one."

"I deserved that."

"You actually deserve more, but you do not deserve one thing. And that's any more of my time. Leave."

Mark reached out and grabbed Wei's wrist, In a split second, Lan Zhan grabbed Mark's.

"Let him go. Now. Or I will snap it in two." 

Mark's hand fell. Wei Ying moved to face him and kneed him right in the balls.  He stepped over the gasping, prostrated man, grabbed the back of his collar, and dragged him into the corridor. 

"Don't come back." he slammed the door shut and locked it,  just in time to see Lan Zhan hang up his phone. "Security will pick up the trash in a moment.  You did well."

"Did I?"

"Yes. You did."

Wei Ying looked at his friend, suddenly exhausted. "Lan Zhan, do you mind if I hit the sack.? I think I need to be alone."

"Wei Ying is sad."

"No, not sad. But to be treated as if my feelings had no meaning...I just need to relax and sort it out. That's all."

"Of course. Call me if you need anything." He reached out and enveloped him in a comforting hug.

" Your feelings mean everything to me, Wei Ying. The man was a piece of trash, and you let him know that. Do not waste another thought on him. "

Wei Ying smiled. brightly, too brightly, with a brittle edge that hurt Lan Zhan's heart, "You are the best friend I have ever had. Good night."

Lan Zhan knew that if Wei Ying needed time alone, then it was best to give it to him.  He went to his own room and settled on his meditation pillow. He needed it badly. He hated that smarmy bastard and despite his tension, he wanted to iron that out of his mind before seeking his own rest. Tomorrow would be busy .

Three hours after he had fallen asleep, a hoarse cry awakened him. 

 "Wei Ying!" He ran as fast as he could, and burst through Wei Ying's door. 

He lay deep in sleep, drenched in sweat.

"YanLi! YanLi!" His voice was terrified.

Lan Zhan scooped him up, holding him tightly against his chest. Broken words surfaced again, "Yanli, YanLi!"

"He brushed the wet curls from Wei Ying's face. "Shhh. Shhh. It's just a bad dream. Only a dream."

"Kill me, now, Lan Zhan. Cannot bear all this. Kill me or get lost." There came a low moan. It was more than Lan Zhan could stand. 

"It was long ago, my Love. I am here and will not leave you. I will stay with you all night. When you wake up, this will be only a nightmare, long over. Shhh. Sleep. Sleep."

He placed his husband back into his bed and crawled in next to him, holding him in his strong grip. He rocked him as Wei burrowed his nose into the safety of his chest. That is one thing Lan Zhan had never altered in his way of thinking. His husband, whether the other remembered or not. Always husband. Wei did not wake back up, and much later,  Lan Zhan fell asleep, as well.

Despite his lack of rest, Lan Zhan woke promptly at 500 A.M. The other side of the bed was empty, and he felt panic set in. Wei Ying was notorious for sleeping hours later than himself, and he stumbled to his feet. As he entered the small kitchen area, he saw Wei Ying, dressed in a black and crimson robe, whistling as he stirred a pot on the stove. 


Wei Ying turned, his eyes happy and content.  "Oh! There you are! I thought I would rise early and fix breakfast for once."

Lan Zhan sagged in relief and sat wearily at the counter. "What's on the menu?"

Something that will stick to your ribs. Tea is in the pot, there. Pour yourself a cup. This will be ready in a minute. " 

Lan Zhan allowed himself a small smile. These Southerners had a funny and unique way of expressing themselves. He relaxed a bit since Wei Ying seemed happy just taking care of him this morning. All signs of stress and despair had disappeared. Like magic.

He took a long sip. White tea and peach honey, just how he liked it. Steamed buns, tucked into a warm cozy, smelled wonderful. "Have one." Encouraged Wei Ying. So he sat and enjoyed watching his busy roomie puttering in front of the stove.

"Good. It's ready!" Ying turned, holding a covered stoneware bowl between two potholders. There was a proud smile on his face. He stood next to Lan Zhan and sat the bowl in front of him.

"Go on. It will suck if you eat it cold." He lifted the lid with a flourish.

Lan Zhan sat, stunned and confused. Before him, steam rising gently, was a bowl of plain congee. He felt tears begin to form.

Wei Ying sat on the stool next to his husband. He looked deep into the Imperial Topaz eyes, still looking at him in a disbelieving and desperate way that twisted Wei Ying's heartstrings. He reached over and took Lan Zhan's hands in his, and they started to shake as soft and loving silver eyes bored into his own.

" My Love. My Husband. ..

I remember. "

The End

A/N: Thank you all for the kind and loving votes and comments. Your enjoyment fed mine as I wrote. You inspire me!


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