Seek and Find Part 2

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They sat in an uncomfortable silence as Lan Zhan drove his white car down the road. Wei Ying had given him an address nearer to St. Michaels, on the outskirts of the town bordering the agri-industrial area surrounding the larger swathes of farms on one side and wealthy estates on the other. Many dignitaries and former politicians had second "homes" out in the countryside. 

The young man would, occasionally, dampen the handkerchief, trying to be as furtive as possible.

"I am sorry." Said Lan Zhan. He removed his hands from the steering wheel and pulled another blue square from his pocket.

"What are you doing?" Shouted Wei Ying in a surge of panic. "Please keep your hands on the wheel! I am sad, but I don't want to die!"

Lan Zhan smiled slightly, amused.

"It's a Tessla. Can steer itself"

"Elon Musk is a lunatic. You believe him?"

"I have met him. He is a bit odd. But the car is good."

"You have met Musk?"


They fell quiet again, and after about a mile, Wei Ying spoke up. "Thank You. I have no idea what I would have done back there, if you had not stepped in."

"No need to thank me."

It's not my first rodeo. My last boyfriend just walked away one day; a note under the door that time. I was a late bloomer and this dating crap is too much. I have trust issues. I trust before I fall backward into someone's arms. It's not working. " He felt the tears well up, and he went to wipe the lovely orbs again. He stopped and looked at the flawless cotton lawn in front of him. The whipped stitching, a darker blue thread around the edging, was perfect and accented the soft, sky-blue fabric. He saw a faint embossed T in a corner. 

"I...I don't mean to be nosy, but what does the T on here mean? I thought your name was Lan Zhan."

The golden-eyed man did not miss a beat. "Truth, justice and the American way..."

"So you are telling me you are Superman."


Wei Ying began to laugh; a little too long, a little too loudly, and a little too uncontrollably. It had been dryly said, amusing, but not worth that on the edge of hysteria reaction.

Lan Zhan anchored it from his end. He did not want the younger man to fall apart again. "Actually, it's a maker's mark. Trafalgar."

"Sweet Jesus!!!" Squealed Wei Ying. " A Trafalgar??? What does a thing like this cost?"  He held it between two fingers and stared horrified at Lan Zhan's profile.

Lan Zhan corrected the course of the car before he answered. The sound that had erupted from his companion had taken him unaware.

"The handkerchief? Uh... I think about eighty pounds a three-pack...I have another if you need it.

"NO! I think the one will do fine. Do you mean to tell me I have been blowing snot in a Trafalgar handkerchief? Are you nuts?"

"Why? I see no problem. It is just cotton."

"Just cotton, he said...No problem, he said...and this guy says Musk is a bit odd."

Lan Zhan smothered another grin. "I can hear you, you know."

Wei Ying swallowed hard. "Sorry. When I am stressed, (and I am stressed right now), I slip up and start saying thoughts out loud."

"No need for sorry; no offense taken."

They pulled up along side a three story warehouse. It appeared to be divided into large live-in studios or apartments; perhaps both.

"A friend of mine owns it. He cut me a deal on the top level. I use a part of it as my art studio, another section as my apartment. The rest is vacant up there, although I hear someone has scouted the place, and a few other spaces, for his or her workspace."

"Wei Ying. Take care of yourself.  I do not speak unnecessarily. But it is not you. It is the others. They do not see your value. Learn to love yourself and someone will be there."

Wei Ying;s ears turned red. "Thank you." He stepped back as Lan Zhan got ready to put the car in auto-drive.  

"WAIT! How do I return the handkerchiefs?"

"No need to. "

He heard the gray-eyed man mutter, "No need my ass..."

He laughed out loud. "I can hear you, you know." And drove away.

As soon as he was out of sight, Lan Zhan pulled over and spoke out loud.

"Bichen, call Brother."

"Yes, Master.!"  Replied the speakers.

A short pause and his own baritone was answered by a warmer version of his own voice. "Zhan! How was your bit of peace and quiet?"

"Not so quiet. not so peaceful., XiChen.I will explain in person. Will you do me a favor...Call Huaisang and tell him I will take the third-floor space he showed me last week. Perfect for the darkroom and plenty of space for editing."

"Sure. Any rush?"

"As soon as possible. I have decided to stop waiting."

There was a dead silence .. "Brother?"

"Lan Zhan, do you mean



"At the meetinghouse."

"Zhan?" His brother's calm voice e has slipped quickly into concern. "Are you alright?"

"I am not sure." But Xi Chen heard the hint of pain underneath. "His heart is broken. And not for the first time, I think. He is sorrowful right now and in a little shock. XiChen. He has the studio next to that one. The space must be mine."

"I will call right away. Meantime, come to my place. Let's see what you must deal with and make a few plans. Don't worry about anything else." 

Lan Zhan felt an immediate surge of relief. His brother was his rock. Always the one solid bit of foundation he could count on anchoring him when he needed it. He headed toward St. Micheals, knowing a warm meal and cold iced tea would be waiting, as well as a file printed out with the lease for the space in the warehouse.

Whether he wanted it or not, Wei Ying was going to be cared for, no matter what Lan Zhan had to do. Even if he had to make him, kicking and screaming as he dragged him into it. His silver-eyed beauty would be loved.

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