Chapter 3

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Darius was awoken by a deafening crash.

After about fifteen minutes of pounding, something burst through the wall.

Someone important.

"ABCDE!" Jerica cried, running towards her 'best friend.'

Darius was absolutely flabbergasted.

He didn't know that girls could kiss other girls!

Must be a friendship thing. He kissed his bros all the time.

As soon as Jerica's 'friend' pried her face away from her, Darius fell into a trance.

She was even better-looking than Jerica.

"Um, hi..." she said, shooting a look at Jerica.

Jerica whispered something in her ear. Abcde scrunched her face up in disgust, then anger.

She took a deep breath. "Hi, I'm Abcde," she said.

Yes, 'Abcde' is an actual name, folks. It's pronounced "Ay-bee-cee-dee." I know. It's almost as if her parents literally googled 'ridiculous baby names,' and just chose the stupidest one. Can you imagine?!! I can tell you with... *cough, negative, uh... one hundred percent CERTAINTY that I would NEVER do such a thing!!! Don't you believe me?!!

Ahem, anyway, Darius was overwhelmed with her beauty. He didn't even know that women sounded so pretty, he'd never had the chance to talk to one before!

He forgot his heartbreak over Jerica instantly, and instead realised a new passion for her 'best friend.'

Abcde looked a little pale, so Jerica led her to her room, and they must've been gossiping or something, because they started screaming with laughter.

If you know you know.

All Darius could do was daydream about Abcde all day long.

To think that he thought Jerica was the one!

He realised then how much he HATED Jerica. She didn't care about his feelings! She basically kicked him to the curb and stomped on him!

No, he wouldn't stand for this. She was a b****. Who wouldn't want to date him?

That day, he resolved to get Abcde and show Jerica how much it hurt.

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