Chapter XVII

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Chapter 17: What I did not know

The morning came, and after all the yelling with Namjoon yesterday, I felt like I had no energy to get out of bed and go to school. I thought he was on duty behind my door so that I could continue a conversation. In the worst case, he would ask me about it at school, and everyone would see. Jimin would suspect something if he saw me talking or arguing with my brother.

How on earth did he even get such a thing in his head? Jimin wouldn't talk, and neither would his friends, including Namjoon. They want to protect Jimin. It's one of the few things I wonder about because you think at least some of them would have the compassion and courage to tell Namjoon. How can they even look my brother in the eye when they know what kind of hell Jimin has put me through this entire school?

Anyway, Namjoon won't know anything. I didn't want him to know because I would only ruin many other lives with it, including my own.

Namjoon wasn't behind your door waiting for you like a beast on its prey. He had left for school early before you were even awake. After yesterday, he had a clear vision to find Solji in his hands and talk to her because he thought she knew everything. He didn't think you would keep Solji in the dark about everything. After all, she was your best friend.

He just needed enough time to talk to her. That is why he texted Solji last night, asking her to meet him early in the morning in front of the library. What Solji doesn't know is the reason why Namjoon called her. Namjoon covered it up by pretending that he had to ask her about school even though they were the same age and didn't take the same courses.

Fortunately for him, Solji didn't seem to suspect anything, and he wished you hadn't told her anything about yesterday's events. If you had, Solji probably wouldn't have come. Sure, she can agree with Namjoon and be on his side. That's what Namjoon hoped for.

Namjoon walked towards the library. Even from a distance, he saw Solji waiting near the library door. Soon, she saw Namjoon walking towards him.

''Hey,'' Namjoon greeted as he reached her. ''Thank you for promising to come.''

''You sounded convincing enough in your message, even though I didn't want to come here so early because of some school thing,'' Solji laughed. ''What was your problem, and why couldn't it be handled over the phone?''

''Okay, promise me now that you won't run away and shut up forever when I ask you something,'' Namjoon stated.

''Okay, but it depends on the matter,'' Solji answered decisively.

"Solji, promise me," Namjoon remained firm because he believed Solji might not reveal anything. However, she was your best friend, and in these matters, friends always agree. Namjoon didn't want his last chance to go down the drain.

''Alright. I promise,'' Solji said.

"Is Y/n being bullied?"

After the question, Namjoon saw how Solji became speechless. She even paled in her opinion just as quickly. Namjoon hit a sweet spot. It already told Namjoon a lot.

''What do you mean? And where did you hear that from?'' Solji asked.

''I overheard a couple of girls talking about Y/n. They seemed to feel sorry for her, and it sounded like I didn't know everything. Besides, Y/n has bruises on her body, but I didn't believe her story about how she got them.''

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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