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I ROUSE,feeling a heavy ass weight on my arm

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feeling a heavy ass weight on my arm.

Groaning, I peep a tangle of golden locks tied up tight. My eyes snap open, scanning the unfamiliar digs. What the hell? This ain't my spot.

Shit, what went down last night? And where the hell am I?

I try to shake off the sleep fog, but the memories blur.

Fuck it, I wrench my arm free. The bitch next to me stirs, yanking the covers over herself.

And then it clicks.

I'm at Anna's crib.

"Puta madre," I mutter as I haul myself outta bed and hit the bathroom. I splash water on my face, then snatch my phone from the counter.

"Yo, it's—"

"Come get me." I cut him off. "Lord, come get me, Ryan, I can't even breathe up in here!"

"Bro, you doin' the most!" Ryan's voice is rough as hell, probably just woke his ass up. "It's four in the damn mornin'!"

"How the hell did I end up crashin' at Anna's?" I grumble, agitation creeping in. "And why the hell you ain't stop me?"

"Don't lay this on me!" He sounds wide awake now. "You never listen!" I hear him rustling, probably getting his stuff together to dip.

"Yeah, nah, I'm layin' this on you! Swear to God, man," I rub my face, scratching my hair. "I can't remember jack from last night. I sparked two backwoods back to back and then..."

"And then your ass was all up on Anna, faded as hell. Touchin' and whisperin' all up in her ears and shit—"

"Mtchh, why you gotta remind me? Just come."

He mutters something else and hangs up.

Damn, I'm a fool. I mean, Anna's bad as hell, no question.

Her grind to get into Grand Ridge University, even with her godfather as the dean, felt like it was all about me. Legs for days, toned as hell, she glided onto the DI volleyball team like it was cake. Can't front, at five seven, she's a straight stunner with that flawless dark skin. Hair, nails, lashes—always on point. But deep down, I know Anna ain't no princess.

She's a freak.

Started as a one night stand, but it turned into some casual shit over time.

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