i drew scout look up☝️😼

67 3 16

An: helppp idk what to write next but i rlly wanna write- i just- ahg!!!

Tw: drinking, throwing up, swag, mentioned self harm?
-----Scout POV----------

I woke up slowly, stretching my back with a pop. "Uhg" i grumbled. I hopped up suddenly, before getting hit with a wave of lightheadedness. I sat back down on my bed, wait, didn't i fall asleep on the floor? I pondered. I looked around frantically, noticing the clean bandages on my hands. "Aw, who the hell" i mumbled, to myself getting up a second time. I grabbed a can of bonk pausing before grabbing a second. Why the hell not. I jogged down to the kitchen duel chugging my energy drinks.

"Mornin' son" dell greeted me as i ran down the hall.

"MrnIhg!" I gurgled. I ran to the kitchen getting hit with a heavenly smell. Medic stood cheerily over the stove spatula in hand. "Wats cookin'?" I asked, fidgeting violently.

"Ah! kartoffelpuffer, bacon and coffee" the doctor chirped. "Or juice iv you vould like"

"Kart.. off what?" I asked, scrunching up my nose.

"potato pancakes zcout" Ludwig rolled his eyes. The man went back to looming over the pan attentively. I felt kinda stupid for not knowing, but then again how the hell would i have known that.

Pyro strolled into the kitchen happily, giving me a wave. "Mh-mhning!" (Good morning)

"Heya Pyro" i greeted, waving back. I can never understand what he says but they're nice enough. I spun around on my barstool impatiently, finishing my second can of bonk off. "SoooOoooOooo?" I started as i continued spinning obnoxiously. "Is there a mission t'day?" I asked.

"Neín" the doctor replied, serving the food onto plates. Ludwig slid me and pyro our food giving us glasses for our coffee (pyro got orange juice instead). Pyro scampered off to their room so that they could eat away from prying eyes . "I vil be in my ztudy" Ludwig announced, before walking away with his breakfast to work on god knows what unholy experiments. I sat there slightly annoyed at how quiet it was. I ate my breakfast quickly. The potato pancakes were actually pretty good. I sat staring sat the counter. The mental image of ludwig being shot in the head jumped to the front of my mind. The stupid memory wouldn't leave me alone. I sighed quietly before my trainwreck of thought was interrupted.

"Well, 'ello Jeremy" mundy greeted, making a beeline for the coffee pot. Behind him followed demo and spy.

"Well, heya mundy~!" I chuckled, giving him my best grin. "You doin' anything? We don't have a mission today." I leaned toward the taller. Starting deeply at him, to avoid someone else in the room. "Yeah we-" he was cut off.

"Werre daydrinkin' lad!" Demo finished, his sentence for him. I looked back at mundy for conformation.

"Ye, were just getting shitfaced out by my van, if you wanna come along you're welcome mate." Mundy finished his coffee, setting down his '#1 sniper' mug before getting up.

"Who all is comin'?" I questioned getting up to follow the man.

"Eh, just me, demo, spy and heavy" the Australian answered cheerfully. He fidgeted with the rv keys on his belt subconsciously. I had wanted to avoid spy after yesterday. I was a bit worried that he might tell the other mercs about me hurting myself. If he really wanted to he would have already.

But then again free beer is free beer.

"Sure, sounds fun" i shrugged. "I could go for a drink or two"

-------time skip scout pov-------------------

"-Haohooho" heavy laughed at his own story, all of us a bit drunk. "So i dake wrench away from him" he paused "i dake his wrench and shove it down his dhroat, all de way down to de handle, JEAHAHHAHA. Dhen i rip off all his fingers, one by one. 'Leds see you build toys now!'" Heavy burst with laughter slapping his knee. "Dere is blood everywhere" he cackled, recalling his story about the engineer. Spy, heavy and demo sat in lawn chairs around the fire pit. Sniper and me sat on a blanket beside the rv.

"Whaat the bloody hell" demo grumbled, he took another swig of his beverage. "Thabts fucing haleriouss!!!! Auahahheh" demo and heavy laughed drunkenly pointing at each other.

"Idiots" spy sighed smiling fondly. I chuckled incoherent mumbles and cracked open my fifth beer. Spy side eyed me taking a swig from his own flask of vodka.

"Little man drink too much" heavy pointed at me, looking concerned.

"Oookay mate, thats more than enough-" mundy cooed. He leaned into me trying to grab the beer from my hand. "I don't think anyone wants to mop ya off the ground t'morrow" i flushed lightly pink at how close he was leaning onto me, accidentally loosening my death grip on my drink allowing him to take it.

"Sbhit-" i slurred. "IF IF I if- UHG. Ya ass!!" i yelled, getting myself worked up. I stood up suddenly to tackle him when a wave of nausea hit me. I pulled a 180 and ran away from the firepit before puking onto the grass. My whole body shivered with discomfort. A couple of wincing ooo's could be heard from the group, as i wheezed and dry coughed. "Uhggrg i-i wish i neva' friggin respawned yo" i sighed, wiping the corner of my mouth. I was too drunk to care that i said that out loud. The silence heard from the other mercenaries was painfully loud. Spy opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but sniper beat him to it.

"You don't actually mean that mate, do ya?" He chuckled a bit, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeh, likeee it mattas pally" i scowled, getting tense. "We're jbust co-workers. Domnt pretend to g-give a shit about me. If i had ut my way-" i started to ramble drunkenly. "If i had it my way i wougld be dead but noooOo. Since I'm SUCH a nice guy i didn't wanna worry my ma. And now im stuckwith this bitchahss contracdt- i couldn't die if i tried. 'm so sick of thus war" i choked, starting to tear up. " 'm so- i im so tired of watching my friends die. Fuck obff ma-an" I ripped the can of beer out of his hand, and stormed off back to the barracks stumbling.

"Spy, go after him" mundy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Word count: 1084

An: my knee hurts 🤕 [it has a tiny bruise] it srsly hurts tho whah whahh i need a goth domie muscle mommy to kiss it to make it better. I miss my ex wife istg goth girls just adopt me like a lost puppy but for the first time in a while I'm all alone :((((


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