[title]???? wtf is a title

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Tw: smoking, blood, very slightly implied suicidal ideation, idk, HOMOSEXUALS 🤯🤯🤯

It was another normal day. I hopped out of bed and wandered around, finding my way to the main room. All of the other mercs were there, which doesn't happen often. Soldier, demo and engine seemed to be playing go fish on one of those cheep fold out tables. Pyro sat crosslegged on their chair at the table just watching them play and giggling now and then. Medic and heavy were chatting on the couches, medic seemed to be ranting about some science thing, while heavy just nodded resting his hand on the smallers sholder. Spy and sniper were silently chain smoking on the other side of the room, probably as not to bother the others. Pryro started 'eating' the cards (shoving them into his mask slit) to keep soldier from winning.

"BAHAHHAHA" demo bellowed, slamming his palm on the table. I jumped at the sound gasping rather noticeably. The sound for some reason reminded me of one from earlier this week.


Why the hell would i be afraid of a gunshot? Thats stupid. Everyone glanced over at me now noticing i had walked in, before going back to what they were doing.

"Ach, guten Morgen, mein Kind!!"
(ah, good morning, my child!!) Medic skipped over to me happily. He cupped my face with his hands staring deeply into my soul, before giggling and taking a step back. "Ve vere just dizcussing vhether getting men pregnant vould be ethical, and/or, affect zhe population." Medic sqealed. Heavy nodded from over on the couch.

"Oh thats.... cool" i shuddered, trying not to imagine a pregnant heavy. "Uh, g'mornin' doc, g'mornin' heavy" i waved sheepishly.



They responded in sync, smiling. Medic scampered off back to his heavy to bother him with more theoreticals. I wandered over through a cloud of smog to the smoking corner, gagging a little at the stench of tobacco.

"G'mornin' spy, snipes" i greeted nodding my head, smiling anabashfully.
"Oh, hello scout" spy greeted, holding out a pack of cigarettes as if to politely ask me if i wanted one. Sniper reached out a hand to push them back slowly.

"Woah there mate, don't forget he's our runner" sniper pointed out.

"mon Dieu! You're right, my apologies" spy growled, looking slightly annoyed. "I have to go work on some enemy profiles, before work today" spy grumbled before sauntering off.

"How's your head" sniper asked, referring to my hangover.

"Eh I've had worse" i shrugged, still smiling. I leaned against the wall next to him, touching our shoulders slightly.

"You sure you're okay? Your face is super red." Sniper asked. He brushed his hand gently against my forhead, pushing my baseball cap back lightly. "At least you don't have a fever darl'."

"Y-yeah" i pulled my baseball cap down hiding my face in embarrassment. Why the hell am i blushing? I didn't have much time to think about it, because soldier started yelling for us to round up.

-----time skip--------

"HAH, suck on this moron!" I yelled. I shot at the enemy scout with my scattergun. It was an even fight, i killed him but not without him getting a few good shots in. "Guhhrrh" i winced looking down at my leg. Blood pulsated out of my bullet wounds, the explosive bullets left a decent sized crater in my leg. "AHG" i yelled, all the pain hit me at once after my adrenaline decreased. I fell forward, still in an open area on the battlefield i dragged myself out of veiw. I ripped the bandages off my hands and wrapped my leg in a attempt to slow the bleeding. "F-fuck" i sobbed, finally able to form coherent curses again.

"Alert the control point is being captured!" The speaker boomed.

"No no no nono" i whined. "MEDIC!!" i yelled, getting no response. He must be on the other side of the battlefield or doing something important. "DOC?" i screamed again, beginning to feel lightheaded from the blood loss. "ᴹᵉᵈᶦᶜ" my voice cracked, barely a whisper anymore.

-----time skip-----------after the battle---

I layed on my bed staring blankly at the roof.

I'm tired.

I pulled my grip wrap up slightly to look at my wrist. after respawning all my previous... injuries were healed too. There's no way anybody would know. I started at my pistol seemingly paralyzed in thought. Not thoughts i was fond of.

Knock knock

The sound of the door echoed through my room.

"Who is it?" I squeaked. Not really wanting to answer it. I still found myself moving toward the door slowly, silently, defensively. "WHO IS IT!?" I yelled, my voice oozing with fear and agression. What if an enemy got in our base? What if they hurt medic?

"Sniper!" A voice rung back. I swung the door open, slamming it loudly. "Hey...." the aussie greeted. He stared at me with wide eyes, taking a cautious step back.

"what!?" I snapped, annoyed at his demeanor.

"Could you... put the gun down mate?" He asked. I looked down at my hands to see i was gripping my pistol tightly, my knuckles turning white.

"Oh-god oh my god Sorry im so sorry" i stammered, going to place my gun back on the desk. I don't remember picking it up "I was just nervous" i laughed it off as if that was a completely normal interaction. "Uh, come in though!" I smiled warmly. Sniper came in and sat on my bed yawning. I sat down next to him, embarrassed from earlier. "Sooo why'd you come to see me anyway?" I asked.

"Eh, beats hanging out with that French mongrel, even if he does give me free ciggies" the taller groaned. "Whats up with you? You've been tense lately mate" sniper asked. A silence fell over my room as I stared down at my own hands gripping each other tightly.

"Eh, I don't know. I'm good, really, i just- i don't know, Uhg" i groaned, flopping back onto my bed. I covered my face with my hands.

"Well, i could go for coffee right about now. You wanna come with?" Sniper asked, standing up. "A change of scenery might be good on ya"

"Mundee... coffee? Really? It's almost seven P.M." i chuckled. "Sure, why not?" I smiled up at the aussie, admiring his rough unkempt features. This could be fun.

put it down... (a tf2 scout angst + Speedingbullet)Where stories live. Discover now