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Ashley walks back to the Salvatore house to get her car and start her journey. When she gets there she sees Damon leaning on her car.

She rolls her eyes, "What do you want?"

"Oh you know just thought I'd tag along," He smirks, "Road trips are always fun with company don't you think?"

She sighs shaking her head, "At least you are better company than your brooding brother,"

He smiles doing his eye thing, "See I knew you liked me,"

She laughs slightly, "One more thing before we go." He stops before he opens the car door and turns to her, "You see my species of vampire, we have some sort of toxin in our fangs. When we bite a human to feed on them the toxin makes the experience euphoric for them. It's addictive so much so that we don't have to compel some of them, "

"OK neat but why are you telling me this?"

She vamp speeds toward him and lifts him by the neck. He tries to free himself but finds that she's much stronger than him.

"Here's the twist though," She continues, "It has the opposite effect on when we bite one of you. The toxin makes it feel like you have acid flowing through your veins. it's not fatal it only lasts for a week, a week of agonizing pain that increases the more blood you drink that week, add to the fact that as a side effect your thirst increases." She sees the worried look in his eye, "That's why I told you to be glad Lexi didn't bite you." She tightens her grip and glares at him, "So here's my warning. Stay away from Caroline, do I make myself clear?"

"CrYsTal," He chokes out.

She drops him, "Good, now we can begin our trip," She walks over to the driver's side and gets in, putting the keys in the ignition. After composing himself, Damon takes the passenger seat. Ashley starts the car and drives off.


Elena is driving her car and sees a man in the middle of the road. She slams on her brakes but hits the man. Her car rolls over and over. She is stuck in her seat. The man somehow recovers and starts walking towards her car. Elena screams. The man pauses before running away. A second later, Damon appears startling her.

Elena screams, "AH!"

"How ya doing in there?" Damon asks.


"I smell blood. Is she ok?" Ashley asks.

"Don't know yet," Damon answered. He looks up at Elena's seat, "You look stuck,"

"It's my seat belt." She starts pulling on it in panic, "I can't get it,"

"Shh Shh Shh. Let me get you out of there. I want you to put your hands on the roof." She does as told, "Just like that. You ready?" She nods, "1, 2, 3." Damon ejects her seat belt. "I got you." He picks up Elena. "Are you okay? Can you stand? Is anything broken?"

She shakes her head no. He puts her down gently but she can barely stand. Damon catches her before she falls to the ground.

"Whoa, you're fading fast, Elena. Elena, look at me." He grabs her face. "Focus. Look at me. Okay,"

"I look like her," She manages to say before passing out.

"Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag," Ashley says.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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