Chapter 6.

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No one said anything, everyone just seemed to go their separate ways. Before I realized, I felt someone touch my arm, it was my mother smiling at me, a worried look upon her face.

" Are you alright, my sweet girl?" The smile never leaving her face.

" I am alright" I smiled back at her. Telling her I was going to walk around for a little. She nodded her head, walking off with my brothers. Daemon stood next to me.

" Do not be the fool, do not let anyone fill your head with stupid nonsense " He spoke as he walked away, catching up with everyone else. I watched as the doors shut and I was alone. I turned back around, staring at the throne. I rolled my eyes, the hundredth time today.

It use to be so pretty here, now it was dark and rather dull, some would say even gloomy, maybe it was because my grandfather was rotting away, taking the life here with him, or it could be the cunt Hightower's taking over. The only place that remains beautiful was the gardens, as I walked out toward it. The sun shining. I smiled, looking up at it.

" Visenya?" I heard someone behind me, I turned my head slightly, smiling. It was Aegon.

" Aegon!" I walked up, hugging him, he went stiff, knowing that he didn't get much affection from anyone really. But sighed as he hugged back.

I let go, sitting on the ground, in the sun, looking up at him, wondering what he was doing.

" Mind if I join?" He looked down at me, unsure if I would say yes or send him away. I laughed and patted the grass.

" You have grown" Aegon spoke, sitting back a little.

" Time does that to a person" I teased back. He pushed my arm.

" I have missed you, it wasn't the same without you here"

" I have missed you, I am sorry, I couldn't be here for the wedding day"

He rolled his eyes, " I didn't want to be wed, not to my own sister."

" Yes, but you have beautiful children"

He smiled, nodding his head. " And you? Any lords hands offered?" He titled his head, like it bugged him to know but needed too. I smiled slightly.

" Yes, but my mother and Daemon, are letting me choose my own fate"

" It must be nice, I would have chosen differently" I rolled my eyes. Someone coughed behind us, turning my head, seeing Aemond.

" Uncle"

" Niece"

" We are having dinner tonight" He said, bitterly. I smiled, standing up, looking at Aegon and Aemond both.

" Well, I guess, I should get ready, such a lovely time with my uncles, see you two later" I smiled as I walked away, trying to get away, fast.

Aegons POV

She was beautiful, flawless. She had grown beautifully. I watched, from the balcony, as she stepped into the gardens. It was my chance. I walked fast, to the gardens. I just wanted to speak to her, I wanted to her voice. She even shined in the sun.

" Visenya" I spoke out. She turned her head slightly, yes very flawless, she smiled.

" Aegon" She was happy to see me, to speak to me. I smiled and watched her walk up to me. She wrapped her arms around, no one does that, no one hugs me. I breathed in her sent. She always smelled like flowers. I realized I didn't want to let her go, but she sat down on the ground.

What if she didn't want me here?

What if she heard about the drunken nights and the whores?

Is she disappointed?

She looked up at me, waiting for me to say something or do something.

" Mind if I join you?"

She smiled, patting the grass, waiting for me. No one waits for me.

" You have grown" I looked at her.

" Time does that to a person" She teased me, like I teased her, when we were young. I pushed her arm. Before speaking again.

" I have missed you, it wasn't the same without you here"

You left, and I fell apart.

You left, and I cried.

I hate myself now.

" I have missed you, I am sorry, I couldn't be here for the wedding day." I rolled my eyes hearing her.

I didn't want to wed.

I wanted you. I've always wanted you. I begged my worthless father for you. But he didn't listen, he never did.

" I didn't want to be wed, not to my own sister."

I wanted you.

I want you.

I still love you.

" Yes, but you have beautiful children"

I do.

But I have dreamed of ours also. Our children made of our love.

" And you? Any lords hands offered" I tiled my head, the question bugging me for the longest time.

No. You're mine.

No. You've always been mine.

No. I'd get rid of them.

No one can have you.


She smiled slightly, " Yes, but my mother and Daemon, are letting me choose my own fate"


I wished I had that.


Just you.

I was bitter at that, I wish I had that option, that someone cared enough to ask. " It must be nice, I would have chosen differently" I watched as she rolled her eyes. I heard a cough behind me. It was my turn to roll my eyes.

" Uncle" she spoke out.

" Niece"

My brother always there. He wanted her too. No, she's mine. He's everyone's favorite.

" We are having dinner tonight" I heard him, spoke bitterly. He hated her brothers. He hated her mother. Our sister.

I looked up at her, as she stood up, the sun still shining on her.

Please, don't go.

Please, don't leave me.

Her sweet voice spoke as I still stared at her.
" Well, I guess, I should get ready, such a lovely time with my uncles, see you two later" with that she was gone.

I slowly stood up, Aemond still behind me. I turned to look at him.

Perfect son. Studied more. Trained more.

We didn't say anything. I didn't care to speak anyways. I had two things on my mind, as I walked away past him.

Visenya and Drinking.

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