Chapter 20.

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things can easily break a heart, but when a heart is already broke, it's nothing you can fix, it's a numbness, it's sicken feeling in your stomach. it sweeps into your skin, just like the darkness, you slip into.

Sleeping to me is my peaceful rest, but when I opened my eyes the harsh reality set in, I wasn't home. I was here in this prison. A lamb to die, a terrible death, a piece of chess in this game among Kings and Queens.

I woke up to everything hurting, my entire body felt like I was beaten down. I was beaten down. The nightmare. My dress was soaked and my hair sticking to my face, dirt covered me. But I woke up in bed, and alone, not a single soul in sight.

Maybe it was a blessing, that I woke up alone. Or a curse, that I woke up alone, someone waiting to kill me, when I could feel it. I remembered everything. Aemond, Aegon. Everything. I felt like the walls were closing in on me.

I threw myself into the water, trying to get away from him. He fell into the water after me. I wish it would have killed us both. I wanted to go home. I didn't mean anything, I just fell in love, I shouldn't. I should have listened to mother.

The door crept opened, and it was Alicent. She had a sad smile on her face. I didn't feel bad. It was her fault. It was all her fault and her father's fault, pushing everything.

" Are you alright?" Her voice was low, but sickening sweet, it made me want to throw up.

" Does it look like I'm alright?" I snapped at her.

She paused for a moment. " Aegon didn't mean it, he's in mourning."

I rolled my eyes and sat up, looking at her. " Yes, so am I, and soon you'll be." I grinned at her, I kept going though I didn't stop.

" You'll lose everything you love, and if I die, trust me in the end, you'll beg to join me."

She walked toward my bed sitting down. " I know, I know I will, I cannot stop it now. I remember when you were all children, how Aegon told me that he would marry you."

I just sat there and listened, until I tuned her out, by that time Aemond walked in. I looked at him, his one good eye looking at me. He looked down, then back up.

" Visenya."

" Ameond." I just stared him down, not moving eyes.

I could hate Aemond, but he'd die soon enough, I'm sure of it. My brother was died. Hell was going to be paid. But I wondered, did my mother care I was gone? Whoever killed their child, only came because of my brother, not me.

The sickness crept into me. No one cares. No one came. No one came to save me. My mother or Daemon, didn't hire someone to come in here, and rescue me. I was truly nothing. I meant nothing. In this moment, I felt it.

I realized, they were gone. I was lost in my thoughts. I didn't want to be alone. I was alone. I truly looked around my room, it was terrible. The glass, everything was broken, even my window was broken. The floor was wet from the rain of the storm, and my bloody footprints.

I slowly slide out of my bed, trying not to step on the glass, I crept toward my door, seeing if it was locked. It wasn't locked. I opened it, knowing I looked like death, but not caring. No one was around. No one kept watch at my door. It was empty.

It was an unsettling feeling, I looked around. I started to walk down the hall. Maybe I could escape. But then again, if I escaped, where would I go? I couldn't go home. No one cared enough.

I thought about my choices. I decided against it. I couldn't make it through the town. I already knew I couldn't and I had no way around it, so I just started slowly walked toward the gardens. The cool of the floor, made me shiver.

But once I stepped into the garden, it was warm and shining. The sun burning my eyes. I limped toward the grass and dropped down. Then I slowly fell on my back. Looking at the clouds. Until I closed my eyes, dreaming of when I was young and everything was less painful.

" Visneya." Someone whispered, scaring me. I jumped and to my right I saw Aegon, sitting a few feet from me. I looked at him, and closed my eyes again.

" No words can describe how sorry I am, sorry isn't good enough for you, I saw you standing there and you looked like your mother, I just couldn't stop. You lost your brother and I lost my son." He sadly spoke, I could tell he was crying. But I didn't care. I just kept my eyes closed.

" I love you, I will always love you, I will love you till I die, and I will love you after that, you don't want to stay here, you can go. I will set you free. I won't look for you. I won't hunt you down, I just want you to be safe, away from all this. You don't deserve it."

" I have no home, no one saved me. No one came for me. This is it. I have nothing else." I spoke up, voice raw.

" when you threw yourself into the water below, I jumped in, and if I wouldn't have found you, I would have stayed in that water with you."

I rolled over, looking at him. He looked at me, my bruised lip, he saw it all. He looked down. He didn't dare look at me, seeing the damage, he truly had done.

" You and I will die together." I spoke up still looking at him.

It was true.

I knew it and so did he.

It's say only we can tear down our house, but Aegon and I would tear it down until it was nothing left.

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