Chapter 22.

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" The way your body moves, over my bed when I start to shake at the thought of you. But the thought alone is enough to get high." - Holding Me Down by Picturesque

" - Holding Me Down by Picturesque

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" Like nothing matters. I choke but can't wait to touch her. The perfect picture, the devil hiding under covers. But when I'm with ya. I see and I get lost in the light." - Holding Me Down by Picturesque

* We can burn together *

I didn't go to breakfast or lunch, my appetite wasn't there, instead I made my way to the prayer room. I wanted a moment in my own space, away from everyone. It was only a matter of time before things would slowly end.

Death is upon us. I could feel it. Alicent and Helaena were preparing for Jaehaerys funeral. I couldn't attend, Aegon wouldn't let me go. I was stuck in this castle with no escape. Aemond blames himself for not being here, but instead at the pleasure house.

I heard a cough behind me, it was Helaena. Her face was puffy from crying. I just looked at her. " May I Sit." She spoke softly. I sadly smiled. " You do not need to ask Hel." I softly spoke back.

She kneeled beside me, and we stared at the flames. I didn't want to speak, she needed the peace. " I know about you and Aegon." She looked at me, as I looked down, guilt spread through me.

" It's okay, I've always known this would happen, it's apart of our fate."

" I am sorry, I am sorry for everything."

" Don't be niece, our fate is sealed, mine is, yours is with Aegon, I have seen it."

I looked at her, " We aren't going to make it out of this, are we?" I looked away, in the fire.

" No, we won't, but you have more of a chance, than any of us do."

" I love you Hel."

" I love you too my sweet niece."

She slowly got up and walked away before calling out to me. " Aegon does love you, the night we were married, he sobbed in front of me, talking about you."

I just looked away again, looking down, feeling the tears fall out of my eyes.

• there's no where to run.•

• there's no where to hide. •

• just stand in the light, and let the flames devour you.•

I walked along the halls, I really had no destination, I didn't know where I was going, until I ended up in the throne room. I stared at the iron throne. No one was in here.

I heard movement behind me, I turned to see Aemond. He stood next to me, looking at throne also.

" Niece."

" Uncle."

" You know, what is going to happen?"

" I do." I looked at him, and he looked down at me.

" I am going to kill Daemon."

" I know, did you know he is my father?"

He looked shocked, but not surprised. " Are you mad that I'm doing it?"

" It was going to come to this for that." I pointed to the throne. I spoke again before he could speak.

" I wanted to hate you for killing my brother, but your nephew passing away from my family, it's a never ending game, and I don't want to be apart of it."

He laughed. " You already are apart of it. You are a piece in the chess game."

I shook my head, " I'm not, don't you see? The house will tear itself apart."

He had nothing more to say, but he spoke again, before leaving me, he grabbed my hand. " I am sorry about your brother, but I will not be sorry for anything else that happens."

I just nodded, as he walked away. I sighed, sitting down on the steps, leading up to the throne. I was alone again, in my thoughts. It started to rain, I could hear it. The Gods cry, for what is going to happen. I cried for the lives that will be lost.

" My love, what are you doing in here, alone?" I looked up seeing Aegon, with his crown.

I just stood up and threw myself into him, he stiffened for a moment but wrapped his arms around me.

He didn't say anything, he just held me. Something I was thankful for. I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to do anything.

" My King?"

" Leave us." Aegon hissed out.

I looked up at Aegon, and he looked down, " Are you okay?" I shook my head yes. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He grabbed my hand as I tried to walk away. He let go as I watched him sit upon the throne.

" Come sit." He patted his leg. I shook my head, walking up to the throne, sitting down on his lap. I felt him move, he put the crown on my head.

" What are you doing?" I asked him. He smiled.

" It looks better on you than it does on me."

He grabbed my face, kissing me. My hands wrapped into his hair, pulling on it. He moaned softly in my mouth. His tongue slipped into my mouth.

I stood up, still kissing him, as I pulled away, Aegon huffed out a little disappointment. I laughed a little. I grabbed his hand, pulling him with me.

" where are we going?" He asked as I put the crown back on his head.

" to my room."

He stopped a moment, looking at me. I turned to look back at him. He grinned and I just shook my head, pulling him along.

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