Chapter 14.

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I don't remember falling asleep, I don't even remember going back to my room. But I do remember, every single moment of last night, the fear soaking into me, as I sat up in bed. I just sat there, staring into the darkness. It must be early morning, the sun hasn't even begun to rise. I couldn't go back to sleep.

I got up, putting on a light dress. I was going to take a bath, later on, when the sun shined, I agreed on, my thoughts eating me alive. Maybe I should just go home. I could leave right now. I could run, and go home, and forget everything. But then the dreading thought of Aegon. Could I leave him? Did I want to? But he has a wife and children, no matter how much he didn't want her.

I slide out of my door, not paying attention to anyone that might be up, I went to the prayer room, I didn't believe in stuff like this, but maybe it would help. As I looked around, I noticed, no one was around, it was very quiet. It was almost like I could hear my heart beating. My pace picked up, and I made it to the room, I was searching for.

It was beautiful, the prayer room. I sat down on my knees, looking at all the light candles. It was peaceful, and I liked peaceful. I closed my eyes. But every time I closed my eyes, I saw Aegon.

" Mind if I join you?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around seeing Alicent was standing there. I smiled, nodding my head.

She sighed, also getting to her knees, she closed her eyes, as I closed mine, we prayed, it was nice. Alicent was beautiful, not like my mother but she was beautiful. I felt bad for her, she didn't love my grandfather, she learned to love him because she didn't have a choice. I knew that much, her voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

" Do you love Aegon?" My eyes opened, I looked at her and she looked at me.

I smiled sadly. " Yes, I do. "

She also smiled sadly, sighing again. " My dear girl." Her hand went to my hair, touching it.

I spoke up, before she could, " I didn't mean too, I'm sorry if I hurt anyone but I can't be sorry for loving him."

I heard foot steps and turned seeing Otto, I smiled lightly at him. He nodded back at me. " Alicent, may we speak in private." I didn't want to be involved in this conversation anymore anyways. I got up, smiling at both of them. " I will take my leave."

Alicent smiled up at me, " I will see you at breakfast." I nodded, making my way out. I had one person on my mind, and before I knew it, my feet were moving toward my room toward the tunnel's.

I just wanted to see him, no matter how much I felt guilty. I needed him. I moved fast toward my room, stumbling over my feet a little. But I rushed into my room, opening the door making my way to him. I rushed in, I couldn't see but I didn't care. My thoughts were on him.

I made it, and slowly opening the door, I slowly crept in, shutting the hideaway door. I slowly walked toward the bed, and he was there, sleeping, he had no shirt on. He was beautiful, so beautiful.

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