chapter 2 (Animagus)

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" uh yes since you used wizerding way to sent me letter so i am kinda wondering if ur in any magic school since i never saw in Hogwarts "  asked Harry.
" ah hogwarts u say well.. I am not a witch or use any magic since nobody  tought me this my brothers use magic they used  little bit of magic at home when they wanted to try for themself i dont learn but  i got a letter from that school saying to attend with my equipments i was shock to be honest since i have no idea of that stuffs but then my onee chan who studies at Hogwarts said it would be  wonderful if i go there and learn magic. So after many arguments and lecture i got to go at Hogwarts.  So i will be going there for a little i dont why but he said since i didnt learn magic i need to learn previous in order to go to the Hogwarts.  So now i just have to complete my previous lessons to keep up with the 4th graders.  A person came at our previous house i think his name was.. Mm.a..l..Oh Professor Sir i forgot he is the headmaster he said that i have a special permission to attend Hogwarts i was happy and excited since i am a non magical person.  Hehe i think ur also from that school?" said the girl.  " uh yeah i am from Hogwarts i will be also in 4th in this year " said Harry. " Hontooo!!!" said the girl excitedly quickly coming inside his room and grabed both Harrys hands in hers. Which made harry shocked and make his face red from the touch he recieved.

( u - tanjiro, kanao - harry) 

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( u - tanjiro, kanao - harry) 

" if u dont mind help me with the magic lessons harry san!!!  I will be very grateful for that really!!!" said the girl excitedly.  Harry didnt know what to say but then the girl suddently got embarrassed and let go of his hand while apologising bowing down again and again which made Harry go confuse.
" uh harry san i didnt mean to make u uncomfortable its just i got a little carried away sorry pls forgive me!! " oh geej Harry

" uh its totally fine... I am not feeling uncomfortable i will help u with the magic lessons if u say so " said Harry still very red. 
" honto!!  Thank u Harry san i am great ful for that.  " Harry didnt know why he just agreed to help her straight away he doesnt even know her very well also he isnt that good with magic explanation Hermione is.  She would straight away do it.  He didnt know why he felt strange yet it was very calming.  He wanted to ask about something before he can the girl told him, " i am ln yn but u can call me yn can we be friends? " she said while lifting her hand to shake Harry hesitated before but then he took it " i am.. Harry.. Harry potter but u can just call me Harry. " He said.  Yn then smiled at him and bid him a good night before transforming into the purple butterfly and flutter away Harry watched her leave.  Harry didnt know why he wished that she could stay a bit longer.  It was like the peace and calm nature was snached away from him.  He shrugged then went to bed but couldnt sleep.  His mind was filled with the girls face specially the gentle smile she gave him. 

Next day,  Harry was doing his usual things then looked out the window to see if the girl was still there but she wasnt.  Millions of thoght ran to his mind before he could do anything he saw the familier butterfly.  The butterfly got inside the room and turned human.  " good mourning Harry san!!!" said yn with a closed eye smile. " " g-good mourning " said Harry a little nerviosly.  " i hope i didnt disturbed u alot last night.. Its just my habit to go to peoples places when i see them friendly its not like i went to others though just my first time i came into someones place " said yn with a apologic smile.  " oh its ok its not a bother  i dont mind its just surprising to meet someone like u but its totally fine really " said Harry also thinking about something he want to be sure about.  But he didnt know if it would make her get mad or but he just took the risk.  " so um if u dont me asking are u an animagus.?? " asked  Harry.  Yn just stared at him dumbfounded. " eh..nani..?  A- ani... Ma..gus?  Sorry i dont know what is that? " asked yn tilting her head with her finger to her mouth.  " well an animagus is that if u can turn into any animal,  insects or even birds.  That what u call an animagus.  " said harry hoping he said explaining enough.
" ahhh i see now thats what u call  an ani..magus i see thank u Harry san!! " Harry didnt understand why when she calls his name she then calls san her asked her about it which made yn embarrassed and told him that thats how they japanese people call she can stop it if it makes him feel uncomfortable for Harry resured her that it ok its just that it was new to him.   Then suddenly he heared - " caw yn sama caw caw ur onee chan asks for ur pressence right now!!!  Caw!!! " said a talking crow which made harry go confuse,  surprise and shock " what the hell did it just talk? " asked Harry.  "Oh already ok and Harry.. She is my friend Kiyo,my brother gave it to me aslo kiyo he is Harry my friend.  I met him yesterday! " said yn.  The crow bowed at him and said " nice to meet u caww!!" " ye- yeah same goes for u too "
" its seems like i need to leave since onee chan called for me i hoped to stay a bit more to learn some basic magic anyway is it ok if i come in the afternoon?? " " uh sure "  then yn bid him goodbye and went away.  Well tbh yn was a bit strange but in a good away. 

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