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It was the second day of concert and the end was approaching too. The never ending Aju nice was playing for - no one counted it cause everyone were busy jumping around. But it was coming to an end


The fans chanted. "Keep quiet! We need to go so that we can come back with a new album", Soonyoung said.

They went back stage, "The concerts are finally over", their manager said. "But the we need to prepare the album", Seungcheol answered.

"It will be fun though, right Junhui?", Wonwoo nudged him. Junhui looked at others, "Y-Yeah".

"What's wrong?", Minghao whispered. Junhui shook her head, "Nothing".


"I'll just go for a small walk", Junhui whispered, getting up to change his clothes.

"But where?", Seungcheol asked.

"For a small walk", Junhui replied avoiding further more questions, "I'll be back in time. If I'm late just call me".

As he stepped away, Seungcheol sighed, "It's Yerin's birthday today".

"Should I go behind him?", Soonyoung asked but Seungcheol stopped him. "Let him be. He likes being alone on her birthday. It's been 3 years and he is still stuck there", Seungcheol murmured.

Junhui covered his face with mask and cap as he slipped out of the concert venue trying his best not to get noticed by fans.

As he walked along the path, his eyes landed on a convenience store. "Should I get something?", he whispered, "Maybe, ice cream".

He entered the store, his head hung low. "Which one should I get?", he murmured looking at the variety of ice creams. "Vanilla?", he whispered going through it.

"Are you Junhui of Seventeen?", Someone asked. He looked at them. He sighed changing his voice, "No".

"Oh sorry. I thought it was you", the fan said in a disappointed voice. Her other friend nudged her, "I told you not to ask. Even if it was Junhui, I think we should maintain a distance because we are just fans. There's something called private space", he heard them talking.

"Yeah, yeah", she said going out.

On the other side,

Soomin gasped seeing the mail. She immediately called Minhee, "He wasn't lying!!!". Minhee laughed, "I told you". Soomin hummed, "But still that man sent us this mail after whole 24 hours".

"Well, that doesn't matter as long as we get chance to work", Minhee said. Soomin smiled, "Well, Eunsoo will be happy about it. She doesn't even the proper meaning of collaboration, but still she gets excited whenever she hears this word".

Minhee laughed, "The thing she knows about the word collaboration is that it is important for you". Soomin hummed.

"I'll hang up. You go back home, don't stay there for too long", Minhee said. Soomin again hummed.

Time Skip:

"You are back", Ms. Kang said. Soomin nodded, "Thank you for staying. The work was too much. I hate my boss".

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