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You stares blankly at your bowl of cereal, It suddenly starts raining and the electricity were cut off but it was a little nice..no, too nice. It's actually comfortable all alone.

You should be happy but somehow youre not. And you're not sad either. Like your emotions are completely turned off, You can't feel any of them.

You finish your breakfast while watching the rain outside from your window. There's like group of dark gray clouds and the outside doesn't even look real.

Sometime you're surprise why you're not surprise. Things like this happens in your mind more than anything, you dont know why you feel that way though.

The house you're currently in looked abandoned, everythings look like they're crashed and destroyed and then abruptly left it that way. Here and there are shattered wooden plank pieces and walls.

But you barely care, there are some food in the kitchen anyways. Cereal's nice. It's almost like eating a warm cup of tea.

It has been raining all day and there isn't any sunlight anymore. It makes things dark. Not only dark, but empty, It kinda looks..sad. The world really did crash and burn when it became this bad.

There arent any cars around and the lights aren't even working yet. All the people who lived here already long left or died.


You don't know anymore.

Where actually are you?

The leaf in the jar tilted slightly toward you, like it just tilted its head and it was quite hilarious to watch. You've been walking around the shore, there were strange looking rocks - they looks like hands, reaching for the sky which's covered in thick grey clouds. You swore you havent see the sun in awhile. Its like its been hiding forever and now it came out again after some kind of storm.
Its still raining outside though. Maybe it will stop soon.

You continue to walk along the edge of the rocky shores, occasionally pausing to stare into the endless abyss where water flows silently over the sand below like an underground waterfall. When you get near the ocean you kneeled down and stared into it.

It didn't look like water.

It had black veins in the water, swirling around and creating an eerie image, it seemed like something’s alive.

You decided to keep going, it was almost like it wanted to lure you into the sea..you werent going back anyway.

You stood up again and resumed your journey, it would probably start raining again once you got closer to the center.

As you neared the center, You stopped and watched the rain. It was so weird how the raindrops made these odd shaped shadows of their own..like it just drops of shadow raining down the surface.

Theyre really pretty, though.

Suddenly a huge black cloud formed above you, blocking out the sun completely. It was as if the cloud was sucking all the light out of the area.

Which is correct, 'cause suddenly everything goes pitch dark.

You just silently stood, a little disappointed. But you wasnt scared obviously because you didnt remember any fear. Just numbness. You felt nothing except cold. It was like the temperature around you dropped down to minus ten degrees in a matter of minutes, and you didnt feel any discomfort..you wonder if this was normal.

Then you heard a noise..like something dangling and flapping sound of wings. And when you turned to your right, you find a lantern..with wings...what.

it perched on your shoulder, brighting up the surrounding.

It look..awesome to be honest.

The wings were like a butterfly.

the candle inside glow usual flame hue.

You slowly moved your hand forward until it reaches the lantern and picked it up gently. the thing glows intensely, but it doesnt hurt you.

It reminded you a bit of..

You don't remember exactly.

It started flying around you and circled several times, before landing on your shoulder.

Now you know something's up with this. This thing..can fly, but it's not hurting you.

That means..its safe, right?

You decided to follow it, it seems like wanting to bring you somewhere. So you follow it for some short time and finally make it land somewhere.

As you get there you find a small cave and when you entered, you find yourself in a room with two beds and an old table, which is kinda dirty..but it's also kinda cute..like someone slept there last night and it's just the aftermath.

This seems familiar to you..but then again so is everything else. Its as if you were there before..It really really reminds you of something but you cant pinpoint.

The lantern suddenly flew off your shoulder and hung itself on the hook in the center of the ceilings - lighting up the room. You begin looking around the small cave, there’s threw places you can pick to explore ‐ the desk, the bed and the wardrobe - which are all dusty and old as hell. Theyre mostly covered by a thin layer of dust.

The bed..is not that good either, it has a hole in it and its covers look ragged, you have half the impulse to throw those away. Its creaking like its gonna snap, but thats not what you’re most interested in.

There's also a pile of stuff next to the bed.. someone’s school bag and stack of books and a hoodie that smells suspiciously like weed..

You carefully sit down, you notice there's writing on the wall above you, and read some of them. These words are written in a very bad handwriting, but it look like someone just wrote them right now.

‘You’re not human, are ya?’


You don’t have time.

You stand up and walk over to the desk, you open the drawers and see it stuffed with a lot of paper. Some of it is ripped in half or torn to pieces.

You grab a few sheets and carelessly throw them away, they’re probably not important if they don’t catch your attention. Then you open another drawer and pull out some folders, some papers and..some random objects, and toss them on the ground too.

Everything has a reason to exist, you think. What is there to worry about?

You paused when something caught your eyes. There were pictures. A picture frame. Inside it..is a person. It's a portrait, simple as that. But the more you look at it, the more things doesn’t make sense You could figure the facial features but the longer your eyes lingered on it, the more details became blurred.

You sigh and look away, you dont wanna touch these, you dont even have any clue why you were drawn towards the picture in the first place You guess its because it seems interesting and intriguing but then again, that might be your imagination.

You close the drawer and take one last glance at the photo before exiting the room.

《 1 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗋𝗒 𝖼𝗈𝗅𝗅𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽 》

ɴᴀᴍᴇ: ???
ʟɪᴠᴇꜱ: ♡♡♡♡♡

- 𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗋𝗒? -

yes《 no


𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯, 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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