Chapter 4: [161km Exhaust ] (Extended)

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Although after that trip to the movies I never saw her again in person, I still had a second chance to see her, the winter vacations.

And although there were few days that I could be with her, I would make sure that they were worth it, every detail, every moment. I wanted every day that I could be by her side to be marked by the indelible ink of memory, I wanted to give her all the love she deserved.

So the plan was set, the only thing left to do was to travel if I was allowed to. My mother said I could but the time I would be with her would be only a few days, unlike my father's proposal, which was to go with his new family for the first week of july.

Boldly accepted the proposal that suited me best, with the only condition of sharing the day to day with that family that did not concern me. Once on the bus, I proceeded to ignore the environment around me with the music I liked at the time.

And as I looked out the window at the beautiful scenery of the mountains that characterize the town, my mind was immersed in the memory of her sweet voice, the warmth of her presence and how beautiful it was to see her smile.

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