Season 2: Chapter 4: [Second Meet]

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We spent weeks talking, remembering many things about each other. Everything was going normally, until one Sunday morning she asked me if she could come to my house to visit me and share the afternoon with me.Although my house was not in the best conditions for that moment, I said yes. I spoke with my mother to authorize her to come to the house.

As soon as she said yes, that she would be welcome, we both set out to organize, clean and tidy the whole house in the hours we had left before she came.Even though I bathed, even though I prepared everything and the house was ready, she still did not arrive; nevertheless I sat down to wait for her.

Less than 5 minutes after sitting down, I got a call from her, letting me know that she was waiting for me to guide her to where i live. As I walked down the stairs of my building and outside, I mentally prepared myself to see her a second time, trying to calm the waves of my anxiety.But everything calmed down inside me when I saw her, walking in my direction, away from the vehicle that had brought her.

She was so beautiful that afternoon, but I couldn't tell her so, because I froze at the sight of her, my eyes opened wider than usual, and all because I had forgotten her physique, her face, her voice.

However, the tranquility with which she behaved, the serenity of her words, the authenticity of her personality, were the factors that made me relax and enjoy that afternoon with her.And although everything was going on calmly, she generated an internal desire that I tried to silence, or even ignore, but it was useless to do so, I liked her, and not because of her appearance, not because of her money, there was something about her that moved me internally.

I wanted to kiss her, but it didn't seem the right thing to do, because it was the second time we met after almost a year of knowing each other, she would probably reject me or she might even ask me for time to gain confidence... However I was surprised by the tranquility in which she accepted my proposal. So we did it, we kissed in the dark, in a place where no one could see us, where it was just me and her.It was so magical that moment, that I remember it every time I pass by where we were, even many times I stand where I was that night, remembering with affection that first time we tasted the flavor of our lips.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑬 𝑾𝑬 𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑬𝑫 2Where stories live. Discover now