2. Sabers and Medicine

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Disclaimer: Mo Dao Zu Shi and The Untamed do not belong to me. The settings, characters, and plot belong, respectively, to Mo Xiang Tong Xiu and the screenwriters of The Untamed. Here, only the plot of this fanfiction and my four OCs, Huang Minghui / Lan Minghui, Lan Biyun, Li Xingsi / Wei Xingsi, and Bai Yilian / Nie Yilian, are my creations. And an important reminder that this ISN'T REAL; please value your lives and do not try to get hit by a car to get this sort of adventure.

Song for this chapter: Arctic Monkeys - 505

Four years later

Nie Yilian's days had been passing tensely for over two years now. Now a ten-year-old who had just begun her journey in cultivation, she was sure that her father, the current leader of the Qinghe Nie Clan, would be passing away soon. According to what she'd read in the Mo Dao Zu Shi Wiki in her past life, their father passed during a night hunt when Nie Mingjue was a teenager. Ever since Nie Mingjue had turned thirteen, Bai Yilian had not been able to have a single completely peaceful moment.

Now, it was nighttime, and Nie Yilian was eating dinner with her brothers.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm going on a night hunt with A-Die after dinner. We'll be back by noon tomorrow at the latest," Nie Mingjue brought up.

Nie Yilian dropped her food, and one of her chopsticks slipped out of her hand, falling to the ground with a soft clink. Oh shit... How do I stop this?

Nie Huaisang turned over to look at her. "Everything okay?"

She nodded rapidly, laughing nervously. "Um, yes. It was just a little unexpected to hear that. Make sure to take care, Da-ge!"

Too late to do anything now, isn't it?


When Nie Yilian woke up and got out of bed the next morning, she looked like a panda. She had dark eye circles due to a lack of sleep and constant worry about Nie Mingjue. Nie Huaisang nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw her.

"Yilian?! Did you even sleep last night?"

"I tried," Nie Yilian admitted. "I'm just worried, okay?"

Nie Huaisang frowned. "What's there to worry about? A-Die is with him, and plus, you've rarely ever been this worried."

Oh, Huaisang, if I could just tell you... "I-It's... I just have a bad feeling about this."

Suddenly, Nie Yan ran into the room.

"Nie-gongzi, Yilian," she gasped out, bowing towards the two. "Please come to the infirmary with me."


The trip to the infirmary of the Unclean Realm had never felt so long. When they arrived, Nie Yilian hesitantly stepped into the room. Nie Yan led them into a private, closed-off room. Their father lay on the bed, unmoving and still, with many deep wounds visible. However, Nie Yilian could still hear him breathing faintly. Sitting by his side was Nie Mingjue, who looked lost, scared, and confused.

"Da-ge? What happened to A-Die?" Nie Huaisang whispered.

"He... His saber," Nie Mingjue said quietly, pointing to a pile of metal fragments.

Of course, Nie Yilian remembered bitterly. Wen Ruohan messed around...


Nie Yan shushed him. "Nie-gongzi, I understand that you're also worried about Nie-zongzhu. But please, keep your voice down. This isn't going to help with his recovery."

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