4. Day One

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Disclaimer: Mo Dao Zu Shi and The Untamed do not belong to me. The settings, characters, and plot belong, respectively, to Mo Xiang Tong Xiu and the screenwriters of The Untamed. Here, only the plot of this fanfiction and my four OCs, Huang Minghui / Lan Minghui, Lan Biyun, Li Xingsi / Wei Xingsi, and Bai Yilian / Nie Yilian, are my creations. And an important reminder that this ISN'T REAL; please value your lives and do not try to get hit by a car to get this sort of adventure.

Nie Yilian was hardly able to sleep that night. How could she sleep when, after ten years, she could finally meet her friends again? Putting on her hanfu and pinning up her hair with a greyish-green jade hairpiece, Nie Yilian bounded out of her room.

Outside the Lanshi, she saw three familiar figures, two in blue and violet, the other in lavender-embroidered white, entering in front of her. After Nie Yilian made her way inside the classroom, she saw that they were her friends: Wei Xingsi, Lan Biyun, and Lan Minghui. Wei Xingsi, waving at her subtly, pointed to the seat next to them.

Grinning uncontrollably, Nie Yilian took a seat next to her friends.

"Let's meet at the back hill after the ceremony," Wei Xingsi suggested quietly, smiling. "I'm so happy to see you again!"

Nie Yilian nodded to display her agreement. Lan Minghui was about to answer, but Lan Qiren began speaking. He began reciting the extremely long list of rules that all the visiting disciples must follow, and as he spoke, a cold, tense atmosphere settled in the classroom. Feeling lost and helpless, she wondered how people who lived in the Cloud Recesses dealt with so many rules. As her gaze started wandering around the room, Nie Yilian caught Lan Xichen's eye. Maybe she was imagining it, but his smile grew a little wider upon seeing her. It was just a coincidence, right?

She didn't have much time to finish the thought. The saluting ceremony began as Jin Zixuan and a few of the disciples of the Lanling Jin Sect present stood up to present the Lanling Jin Clan's gift. After they sat back down, Nie Huaisang and Meng Yao got up to represent the Qinghe Nie Clan. As Nie Huaisang walked between the rows of desks, Wei Wuxian used a minimal amount of spiritual energy on him, causing him to stumble and trip towards Wei Xingsi.

Catching himself just in time and making sure that Lan Qiren hadn't noticed, Nie Huaisang glared at Wei Wuxian, who was now laughing silently, before apologizing to Wei Xingsi silently. Wei Xingsi nodded and quickly turned away to find Lan Biyun and Lan Minghui smirking in amusement and Nie Yilian hiding her laugh behind her sleeve.

The Yunmeng Jiang Clan was next to present their gift. Nie Yilian gripped her robes anxiously as Jiang Cheng began introducing himself, knowing that the next thing to happen would mark the beginning of every crazy event. As expected, he was just about to start talking about the gift when the door was flung open by Wen Chao.

"I never knew that the Cloud Recesses were so hard to enter!" Wen Chao sneered, striding in with Wen Ning, Wen Qing, and several disciples of the Qishan Wen Sect.

Lan Xichen, admirably, kept a calm tone and a friendly expression as he spoke to him. "I was not aware that the Qishan Wen Sect would be coming to the Cloud Recesses. Is Wen-gongzi here to attend the lectures?"

Wen Chao waved his hand dismissively. "The Qishan Wen Sect has always been educating others; we have no need for this useless lecture of yours."

Displeased, Lan Wangji started at him but quickly stopped and resorted to glaring at him at the disapproval of his siblings.

Wei Wuxian spoke up. "Then, in that case, why did Wen-gongzi come?"

"Who is this hangdog?" Wen Chao snapped.

Nie Yilian just longed to throw the bottle of ink on her desk at his greasy face.

"Wei Wuxian of the Yunmeng Jiang Clan," Wei Wuxian introduced.

"Even a nobody dares interrupt me!"

Wei Xingsi snapped. "Who are you calling a nobody?!" she shouted.

"My brother, Jiang Cheng, was just saluting now; how can you just burst in and shout like this? Is THIS how the Qishan Wen Sect educates others?" Wei Wuxian added.

"Today, I will show you how the Qishan Wen Sect deals with those who don't listen," Wen Chao declared.

Nie Yilian clearly wasn't the only one frustrated. Jiang Cheng sighed and asked, "Wen-gongzi, must you be so arro- aggressive?"

"The Yunmeng Jiang Sect is ignorant of etiquette! If we don't give you a lesson, people will say that we don't stick to our principles!"

You're one to talk about etiquette.

All the disciples of the Qishan Wen Sect present drew their swords. Many of the other disciples unsheathed their weapons, too.

Lan Xichen stepped up from his position behind Lan Qiren and started playing his xiao, Liebing. Playing a gentle, calming melody, he made the swords rise out of their wielders' hands and land on the ground.

Wen Ning and Wen Qing quickly stepped forward, introducing themselves and presenting their gift. Lan Xichen, after agreeing to let them stay, berated Wen Chao on his behavior before sending him off.


"Meng Yao, are you leaving already?" Nie Yilian asked.

Meng Yao nodded. "Yes, I will be returning to Qinghe now. Take care!"

Waving to him as he left, Nie Yilian wondered, Is it still possible to stop him? She had grown to have favorable feelings for him and dreaded seeing him become the Jin Guangyao she knew from The Untamed.

Hearing soft footsteps approaching her from behind, Nie Yilian turned around to see Lan Xichen.

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