- Blood Ocean Night -

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Mr. Yu sat down in the midst of the library, he then started speaking. "I will tell you everything, but do not interfere even once."  Jungkook nodded and Taehyung quietly stood behind him, he just wanted to protect Jungkook.

"A long time ago, before any of you were even born, there lived hundreds of prominent hunting clans, there were some better than others, but we couldn't ever distinguish them hence they were all considered equal, hunting wasn't all about numbers back then."

"It was about knowing how to hunt, and hunting to feed one's family, gain strength. However as time went by, the once hunting competition held for entertainment became actual ground for conflict, and rivalry."

"Each clan wanted to prove just how superior their skills were. Eventually there were only around 10 clans left, and others smaller clans were completely demolished or taken in. 20 years ago, the most righteous clan was that of the Lee's"

"They were admired not only because of their exceptional skills in hunting, but also because of their good character. They really quickly rose to power as all of the population had taken a liking to them. The other clans could not tolerate that."

"So they dig up deep into the clan's past and secrets. When there was no gossip, they made up rumors about Mr. Lee being a deranged lunatic and marrying his own sister. They also made rumors about the clan's eldest being the daughter of a prostitute."

"Upon hearing this dishonorable news, people were enraged and demanded the truth from Mr. Lee. But no matter how many times he denied those rumors, his speech was only taken out of context to deepen the allegations, and he couldn't beat them."

"He felt misunderstood, and that rightfully. So, the multiple clans started a war against the Lee Clan. But Mr. Lee would not give up that easily, he fought and fought, the only thing he wanted was for his clan to be free again."

"But as nature willed, things deteriorated and the war ended up as a great massacre. Every living thing was completely demolished from their grounds, even their corpses are yet to be found. That's where the name Blood Ocean Night arises."

"Everyone who has witnessed that day has been gravely traumatized... including I." Jungkook finally let out the bottled up groan of ache from his throat, and knotted his eyebrows as he sat down, weak from all the emotions attacking him.

Mr. Yu noticed this and passed him a jug of water. Jungkook accepted the water and drank it in one go, not leaving behind a single droplet. He was finally able to speak, but he didn't know what to say, he was speechless.

"If the other clans hadn't done something that unfair... the Lee clan would still be up." Mr. Yu quietly nodded and agreed. "They would be unrivaled, and their teachings could've helped the hunting world a lot." Taehyung joined in. "How do you know all this sir?"

Mr. Yu heaved exhaled a long sigh, "I was there during the Blood Ocean Night... I was right there, wtinessing everything without fighting back. It is my deepest regret ever."

Mr. Yu looked at the clock and then back at the two youths. "Come back whenever you need more answers and guidance, for the moment, I need to go." The two boys nodded and quickly left the small hut, talking as they walked back home.

"Jungkook... how can we trust what Mr. Yu says? What if he's the one making it up?" Jungkook just shook his head in response, later adding, "I don't know who is right and who is wrong... but my heart wants to believe Mr. Yu, and I will follow my heart."

They only talked for a little before Taehyung arrived at his house, his parents were not strict at all and so they didn't care about him coming home past curfew.
"Are you sure you'll be fine going home right now? If Mrs. Jeon is there I can't guarantee your survival."

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