- The Rebuilding -

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Jungkook left that place and didn't turn back even once. Mr. Jeon turned to Mrs. Jeon. "You're letting him go just like that? as easily?" Mrs. Jeon showed her evil smile in return. "Darling, what do you think I am, stupid?"

Mr. Jeon immediately shook his head, in fear. "No. No, I believe you have a plan." "That's more like it." "And don't worry darling, how is he going to build up his own clan if he doesn't even find his other half, his mate, his precious Y/n?"

Mr. Jeon's eyes sparkled. "What do you mean?!?" Mrs. Jeon pointed to one of the back rooms. "His little obsession is stuck in that room right now, slowly dying as poison filters through her lungs." She left out a sinister laugh, purely devilish.

Now that he had so confidently stated that he was rebuilding the Lee clan, Jungkook really had no idea where to start, he was lost in-fact. But one thing was for sure, he would start this new clan with Y/n by his side, and so he went to find Y/n first.

The first thing he did was follow the sound of Janggu, but there was no sign of her. He went deeper in the forest, and walked for a very long time. Finally he got a little tired and sat down under the shade of a tree, taking out a small snack from his bag.

He took a bite of the snack, and heard the sound of leaves wrinkling next to him. His gaze landed on a few bunnies starring up at him, probably wanting the snack. He smiled and divided up the snack for all of them.

The bunnies immediately jumped up, and Jungkook caught one in his hands. He petted him and lifted him up. "Where is Y/n, do you know?" Quite obviously the bunny didn't reply. Jungkook put it down on his lap and started slowly patting him again.

"Where... Where, Where exactly could you be? Lee
Y/n." He started to feel a little uneasy about the theory that was building in his head. "could it be that evil witch stole Y/n? no right... there's no way." She couldn't've... could she?

He wanted to forget this most plausible situation because he had just vowed to never step back there again... however if it was for Y/n he'd go to the depths of hell. If he showed up just like that demanding for
Y/n, he probably would get killed.

So he walked over to the Jeon's clan, very secretively. He wanted to find a man with maybe some type of different uniform, and a big hat for sure. One of the merchants from the side streets noticed Jungkook, and immediately ran to him to sell his things.

Jungkook quickly refused the food, but noticed the opportunity to switch clothes for a little. This merchant had a very naïve look, he was probably a few years younger than Jungkook. Jungkook offered him a few gold coins in return for his uniform.

The merchant immediately agreed, he was young but had quite a large build. They exchanged clothes which were slightly oversized for Jungkook, and Jungkook thanked him and went his way. Jungkook's previous uniform was the colors of the Jeon clan.

So black and green, the new clothes were white, the color that servants wore. He snuck into the Jeon's manor from a back-way that only he knew about. He couldn't believe he was here already. He looked around the manor, wanting to catch a glimpse of Y/n.

He looked over to the dining room, and saw Mr and Mrs. Jeon feeding Dae-ho some type of cooked fish. He didn't cry, he smiled. He had reached another level of his heart breaking, which was slowly accepting the facts.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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