2. Mackenzie

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"Stand on the silver X's on the floor. We will now complete a physical scan. Stay as still as possible," the voice ordered and I obeyed, inching forward onto the X.

Ryken did the same, still doing a really good job at avoiding touching me despite taking up most of the space in the cubicle. I wanted to touch him just to see what would happen.

Would the spark be there? The one that was feeding the air with electricity around us? Would he hurt me, pin me to the wall by my throat? Would he bite me?

All options I wanted and maybe that made me broken but that was inevitable with a life like mine. It was the werewolves fault if I was so he could just deal with it.

Another set of mechanical arms broke away from the wall, holding a tablet, each with a neon green grid on it.

The one in front of me started scanning my body. A laser-like light traced over me, outlining my form beneath the gown I had been given to wear.

It followed every line of me, translating my statistics to the screen as it did.

"Mackenzie Murlow-" I rolled my eyes at the voice, knowing it was about to list all of my insecurities in front of Ryken.

"-Underweight. BMI 18. Height 5 foot 7. Breast cup size, C. Birthmark on the left shoulder. Vertical 3cm scar on thigh. 3 diagonal 3.7cm scars on the back. Horizontal 2.4cm scar on the neck. Burn hole scars on various appendages. X scar over the heart from surgical incisions to repair the heart and the complications involved. Muscle tone average. Medium-length black hair. Hazel eyes. Olive skin tone. Physical exam complete," the voice finished and I refused to let the memories flood me.

Scars from a life I'd rather leave in my past.

My parents had moved us around so much. We were always running from wolves who wanted them dead for what they had done, who wanted me dead for what I was.

Sometimes had been closer than others. I had learned very quickly not to trust them though. I had to hold on to that lesson I had learned the hard way.

I refused to cower for the scars that reminded me I had survived what his kind had done to me despite being a weak hybrid with mostly human blood flowing through my veins.

But I knew later I'd cry about it when no one could hear what my mind did to me the second I tried to close my eyes.

I turned to wait for his exam, knowing just by looking at him that he was going to get a glowing review unlike me but sucked in a breath when my eyes clashed with his.

They were narrowed, his eyes tracing over my face then they flicked down to the neck scar and I glared.

"That was a wolf who thought his world would be better if I didn't exist and tried to slit my throat. He was wrong, now he doesn't have a world to exist in." I said, standing straight.

I knew any weakness I showed would be taken and used. Another hard lesson to learn.

"He wasn't wrong. He was just untrained, possibly rogue and if it had been me, I would have succeeded," Ryken said, leaning in, his eyes harsh, his words cutting.

I refused to let him see how deep they went, hardening my glare.

"Keep underestimating me, Ryken. It'll make it so much sweeter when I gut you first," I snapped and he smirked.

"Cute little hybrid, aren't you? Too bad you don't know when to shut your fucking mouth. Keep pushing me and I'll find a way to shut it for you and you'll beg me for it too," he sneered.

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