25. Mackenzie

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Ryken was talking to his father. I was pretending to be asleep. Not very well though.

He was telling him about the things we found in the weird room and asking him to get information on it.

I was trying not to grab the phone and demand the truth from him.

What I had done? Ryken thought I had done something. And I knew Cererus had something to do with that. I knew Cerberus had something to do with the fact that Ryken didn't seem to remember what we did back then.

I remembered.

And the fact he didn't pissed me off.

But not as pissed off as I was at Cerberus. He was the reason. He was the target of my anger. Ryken was just another victim of his father's disgusting rule.

I listened as Ryken answered yes and no to whatever his father was saying until he hung up the phone.

Then I turned to him.

Ryken wasn't surprised I was awake which meant he knew the whole time that I was listening.

I didn't care.

"He's going to find out what the scientists were doing in those places from the pictures and what they were trying to find. And if they found it."

I nodded, sitting up and leaning against the headboard. I hung my arms on my knees and picked at the skin around my nails.

How had we gone from ripping our clothes off to being awkward? Fucking Cerberus.

I looked up at Ryken who had his braid over his chest as he climbed back in the bed.

The braid that he had let me undo, the braid he had trusted me with.

I chewed my lip, trying to fight my instincts not to trust.

He said we could work together to take the scientists down, that he would let me go.

Could I believe him enough?

I had yesterday.

"Do you trust your father?" I asked quietly, eyeing the time. We had 6 more minutes of unmonitored time.

Ryken scoffed, "I trust him to cause death and destruction."

That was true. He always picked the way that meant the most casualties or pain. I was surprised that Ryken knew that too though.

"Yet you follow him?" I raised a brow at him.

"I have to," he started and I rolled my eyes, lying my head on my knees, watching him as he played with the end of his braid, "Not because I believe in what he is doing but because I have to if I want to change it. We're a pack, and we used to be a family. When my mother was alive. Once she died, my father changed."

"Yeah, he went from asshole to psycho," I bit out.

The corner of Ryken's mouth lifted and he nodded, "Pretty much. No one knew what would happen with his mate dead, but none of us expected how bad it would get. Since then, he's gotten worse and worse. No one can save him, no one to hold back that part of him that wants to hurt everyone and everything."

"I'm sorry about your mom," I whispered.

Ryken tensed and his throat moved, "I've blamed you for a long time," he admitted softly.

That had my eyes widening.

"What? How is it my fault? I thought your father killed her?" I let my legs fall crossed in front of me, staring at Ryken, needing an answer.

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