33. Mackenzie

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Normal. Everyone was acting fucking normal. The scientists were all treating the day like it was just another one.

I shoved some bread roll into my mouth, glaring at the guards from my seat at the table.

They were keeping an especially keen eye on Ryken and me. But that was the only sign that anything was even amiss.

That and my aching pussy. It felt as bruised as my body looked.

And yet, Arlo had come in the morning to do my injection. I had been to the labs and had my vitals taken.

None of them had said anything.

Ryken had barely said anything either. Not even about our conversation before we had been put to sleep.

But I knew he remembered it.

His glare said enough of what his mouth didn't.

Viking put his tray down next to me and sank into his chair. Hope was close behind doing the same thing.

He grinned between me and Ryken then started chewing, wiggling his brows at me.

"What?" I frowned.

He chuckled then nodded to Ryken, "Word on The Nexus is that you two got some kind of sex torture. Judging by the bruises and scratches on you both, I'm thinking that's not just a rumor," Viking teased.

I pulled my rolled-up sleeves down to cover the bruises then kept eating my bread roll.

Yeah, the sex had been amazing, Ryken was a god between the sheets but the fact it had been used as a punishment pissed me off.

And the fact that the last time we had done it, he had remembered the treehouse. I had thought it might change everything, but I had clearly gotten that wrong since Ryken had yet to bring it up.

"Eat your food, Viking," Ryken snapped.

Viking laughed and shoveled his food into his mouth. It kept him silent for two seconds before he was back to fill the silence.

"Want to catch us up on what happened then?" Viking said. Dana and Sullivan stopped eating then and waited for the intel too.

"We went to level 6. Saw the failed experiments and what they've become. Tried to escape, got caught, punished. Now we're here."

Ryken took a sip of coffee and then looked over at the windows.

"What were the failed experiments like?" Dana asked quietly.

"Broken, empty beings that could only destroy. Weapons for the scientists to use in case of an ambush," Ryken explained.

"We have to warn your father then," she said.

I scoffed at that. Could she get any further up Cerberus' ass?

"How? They monitor everything," Ryken snapped, eyeing the guards.

"How about we just get through this experiment and then figure it out?" I suggested. I was sick of plotting and planning. The scientists were creating a drug and it worked.

We had no business killing everyone in the Nexus over that.

"My father was clear about what we are doing here," Ryken said.

I glared at him, "Oh I bet. Because he's so damn transparent," I taunted, intentionally digging for a reaction.

"We're sticking to the plan," Ryken urged.

I shrugged and pushed my plate away, "What plan? So far all we have is half-baked information that might just be the scientists fucking with us. We know they are putting something else in with the drug but we don't know what. We know they went to all these exotic places to find things in preparation for this trial but we don't know what any of it means," I rambled, getting more annoyed.

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