"There's Always Tomorrow" Part 1

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It was near the end, The small flower took his chance, killing the king and taking the souls for this moment. Ever since the human entered the underground, the flower grew anxious, why couldn't he save? Why couldn't he reload? Why couldn't he reset anymore? Did that human do something to him? No. They just had more Determination than him. They had a soul full of it. Something he could only wish to have again.

    As he was ready to change into The Human's Best Nightmare, something felt wrong, horribly wrong. It was painful, two of the souls he consumed ended up being unstable. Screams of eldritch horror could be heard as he could feel himself being torn to shreds from the inside. He was thrashing out, hoping that someone, anyone, could help him, for he made a grave mistake. This wasn't supposed to happen. He just wanted to show the human who was the boss, who he was, who he could be, a God. But, not all souls are perfect, are they?

    In the midst of all this thrashing and pain, he felt one of his hands become sticky and wet as he gripped the ground below him. His vision faded into a bright velvet red. When the pain finally subsided and the red faded away, he found himself on the surface. Feeling a lot smaller despite still having all six souls in his body. What was strange to him was that he felt like he had a body instead of a mesh of random pieces formed to represent... Something. And looking down, he could see he had a familiar body, it was the human's. But, it was his color scheme instead. That's when the realization hit: he successfully killed the human and took their body. But, where was their soul? Where was he? He had no idea. Hefelt awful.

    Trying to remember what it was like to walk, he heard the voices of the souls in his head. How enraged they were on what happened. On what he had done. Such acts were unforgivable. And so, they became a permanent reminder of his regret that would only get heavier each passing day. To always tell him that he was a terrible monster that doesn't deserve redemption for what he did. To them, to the king, to the human, to everyone. A soulless, evil flower. It was overwhelming. But, the urge to survive, live life to the fullest filled his entire being. To push through, no matter what the obstacles were. Like he was filled with...


    It was a lot stronger than when he was first reincarnated as a flower. Like someone was trying to help him, to tell him something important. But, he couldn't hear it through the angry children yelling and pestering him endlessly. He decided to try to listen to this feeling with good intentions. His name was starting to grow old and meaningless. He felt like a new person. His real story is only beginning. Taking his first steps into a long path towards rebirth with a smile. Ready to explore the world and its infinite possibilities.

    The souls didn't want to move on unlike the flower holding them hostage, they didn't want to move on. They could barely trust each other, let alone him of all creatures. They wanted to be free, they wanted their own lives back! They didn't want to follow the life of their kidnapper. Their anger turned into violence, constantly sabotaging the flower as he tried to leave the ghost town they appeared in. This rundown city he was trying to leave was their home. Each of the souls could recognize and find their homes that they remember growing up in so well. But the memories could never bring back the happiness and the warmth that came with it to the homes lost long ago. The curiosity killed them all in the end.

    Headaches turned to migraines as the flower was trying to calm the children and their tantrums. But to no avail as the violence continued. Just a few feet away from the exit of the city, the flower was kneeling, curling up from the constant pain hitting him at full force. No sign of help was in sight. Not like he could cry out for it in this state, he couldn't even start his new life, it hurt so much. He felt like he was going to die just like before. He couldn't die, not now, not again. Not like this. Can't someone just give him a chance? Anyone?


*You were finally able to call for Help.


    "Hey, it's going to be alright..." A voice called to him. He could feel someone pulling him into a warm embrace. His screen was blank as he was shaking, trying to cling onto whatever was holding him. But, he couldn't feel anything there. "You're going to be okay. You can make it through. Today may not have worked out, but, you know what? There's always tomorrow. Rest now, it's been a hard day..."

    "Wait! Please don't go!" He desperately yelled, but the voice and the embrace was already gone, "Don't leave me!" He yelled once more, curling up again as he was breaking down, crying. Nothing but his sobs could be heard for miles as he lays alone. The only company was the souls of the children wanting him dead. As he cried, he struggled to stay awake, finding comfort on the asphalt he was laying on. He saw a shadowy figure as he succumbed to a depressive slumber. Dreams turning into nightmares he couldn't run from...

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