The First Vessel Part 1

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((Just so everyone knows, I made this before the Relics of The Old Faith and Sins of The Flesh DLCs came out, so this was mostly speculation and headcanons of the time))

Centuries ago, there were once five Bishops of the Old Faith, Leshy, Heket, Narinder, Kallamar, and Shamura. These five Bishops were the ones who made the world turn. Leshy kept a balance of chaos and order, Heket kept crops flourishing and people fed, Narinder let the dead rot and kept people under control, Kallamar kept disease and filth away from the land and sea, and Shamura brought peace and prosperity upon the world. However, the myths and stories refuse to talk about the Bishops' first Vessel...

    Shu was her name, she was an Atlas Moth, destined to carry the world upon her wings and give life to all. Her wings were the first map of the world, whoever met her were never lost under her guidance. But, she wasn't always a Vessel, Shu was once a follower to the Old Faith too. She was sent in as Narinder's sacrifice to please the four other Bishops. She was willing to give her life and wings to the ones she had worshiped for so long.

    It was midnight when the ritual took place, Shu's long antennae dragged across the pavement as her head was held down by her fellow Cult Members. She knew her time had come, she would be more useful in death than she had ever been in life. She could see it now; her wings being the very map that would be draped across one of the Bishops' temples to show the way and help bring inspiration where it would become a natural masterpiece upon the land and sea...

    "Stop!" Kallamar would cry out just before the moth was brought to the blade like so many before her, "Not her! Anyone else but her!"

    "Kallamar, what are you doing?" Heket would ask, sounding rather angry, yet shocked as well, "Shu has served us well enough, she is the perfect sacrifice!"

    "I can't stand seeing her die like this! Can't we sacrifice someone else instead?" Kallamar refuted, sounding desperate.

    "This is my most prized follower and yet YOU wish to cancel this ritual?" Narinder blurted out, pissed off over how his cowardly brother would interrupt such a precious sacrifice, "Why would you be attached to a measly moth such as Shu?"

    "You act as if we ALL don't share her! She has helped out so much with us all! Is it really worth it to lose our best devotee?" Kallamar argued, "I don't wish for her death! I wish her eternal life!"

    "To Hell with eternal life!" Narinder snapped, "Only Gods such as us can possess it! Why would you grant a small little vessel with a gift as grand as that? How do we know she'll use it responsibly?" He growled.

    "Shu can do it! I believe in her!" Kallamar answered, "I'll give her my crown and make her my vessel if I have to!"

    "She isn't yours to command you stupid squ—"

    "Enough you two." Shamura intervened, "If Shu has been sent to sacrifice, she no longer belongs to you, if Kallamar wishes, he may do whatever he pleases with this small body of flesh." Narinder growled again from hearing that. Losing his prized possession to Kallamar of all siblings. The cowardly Bishop was thrilled and took Shu in as his very own vessel.

    From that day on, Shu thrived in Anchordeep. Only making Narinder more jealous of Kallamar. Kallamar was oblivious of the envy from the Bishop of Death, loving his new vessel. Shu was able to do much more and was a big help around the land, proving her worth to not only Kallamar, but the other Bishops too.

    "No wonder you were so angry, brother." Kallamar said to Narinder one summer weekend as Shu was watching over Anchordeep, "She's a beautiful asset! Where did you find her?" Narinder just growls at him. Not wanting to talk today, "What's wrong? Are you still angry over me taking her?" Kallamar questioned, concerned for his brother. Narinder only growled again before heading back to his temple to give the daily sermon. Kallamar was deeply worried, when Narinder is angry it's never a good thing...

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