Egg Sitting

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Ever since I joined this cult, it was strange to say the least. I was assigned to watch one of the last three eggs all by myself, armed with only the shotgun in my hands and my creepy-looking mask of the Spider God I worshiped. As much as I preached and gave my offerings, I knew that Charles was a wild beast; something that can't be controlled or tamed. If I ever met him myself he would probably just eat me. Luckily I wasn't walking around in the open like the other cultists.

    Though, I was still alone, with the only thing giving me company was this glowing green egg. At first I didn't think it was much to gawk at, but the more I spent alone, the more comfort I found in its soft glow. So, I started talking to it, telling the little thing about my life and the friends and family I once had before moving to this island, about Warren and the crazy shit he had done to the unborn's many siblings, and just my thoughts and ideas in general. Hell, I even told stories and sang to it before going into power naps.

    I was attached to the little one, but I knew that once it hatched that I would be the first thing it would consume out of its hunger. It probably didn't care about my ramblings or songs, it's an animal, why would it understand what I would say? It would only know three things: eat, sleep, and survive. That's it. But, as long as Charles is around, once it's born it would look for its father that's running around in the wild right now...

    "Now that I think about it, why is Mr. Warren keeping you here?" I asked the egg one day, leaning my body on the pedestal that it was resting on, "He's just basically asking for the residents to come over and steal you away for their murder plan to kill you, your siblings, and your dad. If Mr. Warren actually cared for your dad, he would return you and your siblings to him already! I'm sure he would be more than happy to have you again back in his nest." I rambled again, "Not like little ol' me is much of defense, all I am is some guy with a gun, what if a person with a machine gun on a train shows up? I'd be swiss cheese in a matter of seconds! I'm sure there are a few other weapons on this island that would kill me in a manner of ways, way more than you or your dad would do..." I chuckled at my own thoughts.

However I was quickly silenced, "Are you talking to an egg?" A new voice asked, confused of my own actions. I scrambled to grab the egg protectively with one arm while getting my gun with the other.

"So, what if I am? You just think I'm crazy like everyone else does on the island!" I retaliated, looking at the guy who was talking to me, only confusing me more as I never recognized this person before in my life, "Wait... Who are you? You're not one of the residents here..."

"I'd say the same to you too, I've never seen a goon like you before..." The person answered with another question, "What's with that weird mask?"

"My religion is Choo Choo Charles, now get out of here! There are no visitors allowed!" I tried to ward them off, but they just approached me slowly. So I shot at them and missed, but it was enough to cause them to jump back.

"Hey! Hey! I just want the damn egg!" They yelled at me.

"Just so you can kill this child, its siblings, and my God? No way!" I hissed, holding the egg closer.

"... Yeah, basically, if that stops my museum from going under–" I cut them off with another shot, which I still missed my target, "HEY!!"

"Fuck you man, I'd rather throw myself into Charles' jaws than give you this egg." I growled, "Your museum can just go burn down to ashes for all I care!"

The Archivist gasped from my venomous words, "How DARE you! I worked hard to bring that museum up with my bare hands! I also worked my ass off not getting killed by that Giga-Spider from Hell you call a 'God' thus far! Give me a break!"

"Don't call him that! Not in front of his child you asshole!!" I snapped at them.

"Oh, and yelling curses is ethical for an unborn's deaf ears? I see how it is!" They rolled their eyes, "Now, give me the egg! I don't want to spend any more time on this God awful island than I have to!"

"Fuck you!" I just spat again before shooting at them for the third time, getting them in the leg this time.

"OW!! SON OF A—!!!" They yelled as they fell on their back side, holding their leg and hugging it close to their chest.

"Yeah, that's right! I won't fucking hesitate, bitch!" I said proudly, in the back of my mind I wondered if saying as much dirty words as I did would be bad for the egg, but then cocked my gun again as I get ready to kill the Archivist where they sat, but then jumped upon hearing Charles' whistle blair out from outside. It was loud as hell if I could hear it all the way down here. I felt the egg wiggle in my arms for a moment. Realizing it was getting close to hatching now. The Archivist noticed too, seeing me drop my gun as I looked at the egg in awe.

"Oh Hell no! I don't want to deal with TWO demon spiders!" They groaned.

"You shut your f—" I was cut off as my right arm got blow off from the joint. Causing me to scream in pain as I fell over to my back, dropping the egg as I covered my gaping wound with my remaining arm. I was more focused on stopping the bleeding while they stole the egg from beside me, cocking the gun afterwards. At this moment I realized the tables have been turned on me. I was going to die, they were going to kill me. Either by leaving me here to bleed out or to blow my brains out, they sealed my fate here and now. All for an egg.

I started to cry, not just because of the overwhelming pain or that I'm going to die, but because this was going to be the last time of spending time with the egg I was guarding. Only crying more at the thought of the egg dying before it would even be born...

"Hey, buddy, it's just an egg, calm down." They dare to tell me blatantly.


"Geez, you're right." They said as they pointed the gun to my head, "You're just as crazy as everyone says you are."

There was a flash of light and a loud bang sound before it all went black...

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