The First Vessel Part 2

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     Approaching Shu once more, the Ram and Narinder look up at the original vessel, she looks down at the two of them, snarling when her eyes reach Narinder.

"He looks small, pathetic, like I once was." Shu growled, "Yet I know he is still the same bishop that betrayed his family. All for what, may I ask?" She leaned forward, glaring down at him, but Narider stood tall, not letting her get to him.

"I understand what I had done was horrible, let alone the reason was idiotic. But, what was done is done—"

"You KILLED me! Then took EVERYTHING from me! My wings, my beloved, everything that I worked hard for and cared about! All while I laid resting underneath the very temple you left me to die in!" Shu interrupted Narinder, "I don't care if your reason was idiotic! Why? Why did you curse this world of your sins?" She demanded, her eyes glowing red with rage. Narinder looks down and sighed, still standing tall.

"Jealousy." He answered, "I knew Kallamar had his eyes on you, you were his favorite in the Old Faith. Even before I tried to sacrifice you he wouldn't shut up about you." He explained, his ears folding back, "I never saw you more than a trophy, you were a one-of-a-kind, just like my darling Ram. I didn't want to lose a rare item like that, but I ultimately knew your days were numbered, so I went to sacrifice you in front of everyone so no one could have you, but..." He sighed as he trailed off, "You became Kallamar's vessel, I lost my prized possession, and I went mad. Leading all the way up to now..." Shu listened silently from what he was saying, almost not believing what she heard, but she then closed her eyes.

"The question that has haunted me like a demon whispering into my ears has finally been answered." Shu spoke softly, "But, I am restless still. My heart still beats vengeful blood into my veins..." She said, her claws sharpen before clenching them. The Ram held Narinder close as she was about to crush them, "This curse shall be your downfall, Heathen." She said as she brought her hateful fist down on them.

"Please stop!" A familiar voice yelled, causing Shu to stop in her tracks. When looking for the source, her compound eyes find Kallamar. He was small and weak like Narinder, but still had his cowardly personality. He was on the brink of tears and shaking behind the Ram.

"Kallamar?" Shu asked in shock as she pulled her fist away. But, when she was about to speak again, the Ram took this opportunity and turned their crown into a hammer and crushed her in one blow, revealing her beating heart. Kallamar broke into sobs as his brother comforted him and took him away from the gruesome sight. The Ram went to take and consume the final heart of the Heretics. Once the two little followers had fled back to the Cult, the Ram gained a new power from the heart. Using this power, he fixed the shattered crown and wrapped the body in silk bandages...

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