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The enemy watches from afar, and I have heard them...

- From the 'Records of Historian Caesarus' 

When Agàlor and his master arrived at the mouth of the Jùran Forest, the moon was already traveling upwards to the skies, and they resolved themselves to build a small campfire just around the corner of the path that leads to the forest. And there they stayed, and slept for the moment of time they had left. The master was first to watch, as it seemed safe, they still ought to fend off nasty creatures of the dark, as a greater measure of precaution, if ever they were on the way and was planning on something terrible to them and to their goods. They had a lot of things in store within them and the master's horse, and the decision of having rotational watchers for the night, was a wise thing to be made.

It was around the mornight when his master wake Agàlor to round himself to watch over them. And he did until the light of the first wake of the sun came up from under the lands towards the sky. He woke his master and they cook some of their splendid ration of meat on the renewed campfire they had last night. Delicious it seemed, and tender and juicy, as they tasted and ate the meat, they hurriedly purchased at Koldiak. He and the master then drank on their own water skins to quench their thirst and clean their mouths of the meat's tenderizing flavor it left on their taste buds.

They had noticed that the road towards the Forest of Jùran wasn't as populated as they thought it would; and that they were the only ones who would pass there on that morning. Or on the other days and weeks to come.

At that moment, his master stood up and collected his own belongings. Agàlor came next and quickly organized their things and tidy them up to the horse. His master rode the horse, and Agàlor was walking and guiding it.

And there, at that moment, they entered the Forest of Jùran. The gates of the forest were planted with flowers of marigold, rose, and dandelion. A naturally unnatural occurrence. Apart from those flowers were the natural inhabitants of the forest. The trees of myrrh and Blackwood all packed up together in the confines of the forest. There were no fruit bearing trees that grew, but branches upon branches of the Blackwood and myrrh were twisted together like vines. There were birds and bees, and stings and strange flying insects scattered about the flowers of the green grass above their feet. In the wider part of the forest were goats, and antelopes, and deer that played with the butterflies that roam about with them. There were happiness and cheerfulness about that part of the forest as they went and passed.

In between the forest, near at the center, was a small running river-like waterway that surrounds the forest, the water of which was warm and clear and clean. But as soon as they had arrived at the heart of the forest where sunlight falls short and unnoticed, the water grew cold and foul. A stranger occurrence than that of the entrance of the forest, as if the soul of the forest had died down immensely! And the trees were darkened, and the flowers on the brownish grass had faded its color and withering. Even the 'shrooms and the roots attached to the trunks of the Blackwood had slowly withered and dreaded in color. Their ever-blooming shades was lost.

The master somehow quickly noticed the changes that occurred and that the foul and arid air they breathe had dominated their senses. Agàlor for one, breathing heavier as they entered the center, and there he saw that no bird nor beasts of small proportions were seen around the heart of the forest. The animals weren't keen of going in there, where they lend themselves to tread the way of their journey. And that darkness was altogether feasted within the heart of this beautiful and blooming forest. As they slowly walk their way of the path of the forest, gazing at the dark works, and the fallen ill leaves of myrrh in the distant, it seemed to the both wizards that an ill-fated omen had warned them of imminent danger!

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