Chapter 5

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Xavier McLeod. The starry-eyed boy who became my first friend. 

It's not hard to say why I didn't recognize him at first. I mean, I haven't seen him in almost four years. Puberty hit him hard. And nice...

He's much taller now, probably over six feet. And he's filled out, with strong shoulders and a lean, muscular frame. No longer the gangly boy I used to spend hours chasing on the playground. He's also much tanner. Not surprising, since he's been living in Florida this whole time. His hair isn't cropped short anymore with a lime green faux hawk. It's longer now, dark brown curls falling over his eyes. 

The eyes. Those amber eyes haven't changed much, but they're not so starry now. More like fiery. Like a roaring blaze. Consuming everything in its path. Dangerous.

Uhh, wrong thoughts, Alyce, I mentally scold myself. You have a boyfriend. And Luke is the perfect boyfriend. Well, maybe not perfect, but nobody's perfect. I can't expect a 17 year-old boy to be. He's nice. And nice is good. Great even.

Xavier obviously wasn't coming on to me, anyway. He was just teasing, like he used to. It doesn't mean anything at all. I blush, recalling a lost memory from long ago. in an age of innocence. Just two children playing in a grove.

"Stop running so fast, I can't catch you!" A young girl stops chasing the blonde boy with short hair and a loud laugh. Hands on her hips, she waits for the boy to run back to her, as he always does. 

"Well, that's the whole point, Aly!" He shouts back, equally as stubborn, calling me by the nickname I hate. He knows that too. "If you catch me, then I'll have to kiss you. And girls have cooties!" He shouts, pointing at me. The girl stays put, waiting for friend to come back to her.

The boy runs back, trying to get the girl to laugh. He likes to make her laugh. When she doesn't crack a smile at his funny faces, he starts poking the girl. The girl shrieks and starts chasing the boy again, laughing loudly. "I'm gonna get you, Xav!" She says, chasing him around the grove. Their secret hideout. Out of breath, the girl stops chasing, but the boy keeps running and running.

Huffing as she tries to catch her breath, she shouts "One day, you're gonna be chasing me! And I'll run even faster than you are now. Just wait and see, Xav!"

Finally, Xav stops running and yells back, "We'll see, Aly. We'll see." Still laughing.

The memory fades. I'm still standing with the bedroom door open, blanket loosely falling from my shoulders as I process what just happened.

Xavier is back.

I hear Desiree calling me again, this time a little more sternly. "Uhh, one minute!" I call down, shutting the door so I can get dressed. 

Looking down at my attire, I cringe from embarrassment at Xavior's comments. 

"You're all woman now." He said. What did he mean by that?

Just teasing me. Same old Xav. Angry with myself for my reaction, I look for something to wear. 

I can't believe him. We haven't seen each other in four years, and that's how he treats me? Like I'm... I'm... Ugh, I don't know. Like we don't have a story? Like we weren't friends the entire first half of our lives?

I find an oversize white sweater with Pooh Bear on it. My favorite sweater. Winnie the Pooh always made me feel better, even now as a 17 year-old. Nothing like the power of imagination to get you through a tough time. And adorable talking stuffed animals.

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