Chapter 8

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First day back at school.

Nervous as all hell, I sit in the backseat of Jack's BMW as he tries to give both Xavier and me a pep talk. Kids are already staring, knowing it's Jack's. Probably assuming I'm in it. Possibly wondering who the second kid in the front is.

Xavier sits in the front seat, barely listening to his dad speak as he stares out at the school. We hadn't even been in middle school yet before he moved. He probably never thought he'd be back going to high school. I wonder what's going through his head right now. Did he miss Florida? His friends?

We're parked in front of the school parking lot, facing the north entrance. The students who drive have to walk by our car to inside, and they all try, not discreetly, to get a glimpse at its passengers behind the tinted windows. The school is huge, and it rests on a hill. The tall, brick staircase that lead to the front doors look more than a little intimidating today. I sink into my seat, wishing I didn't have to walk up them today.

"You get all that, Al?" I hear my godfather finish.

"Got it!" I say, trying to sound enthusiastic, not really succeeding. In truth, I hadn't heard a word of it. Probably something along the lines of Make a great day today! Just be yourself! Everyone will love you! The cheesy lines all parents give their kids on the first day of school. He's piling it on a little thick, especially since it was only the end of Winter Break, not Summer. It's only been like two weeks since the last time I was here. Although, for Xavier...

It technically was his first day back.

Seeming satisfied, he turns to his son. "Make today great, Xav."

Called it.

"All right, let's get in there!" Jack says just as Xavier sighs "Let's get this over with."

I'm thinking the same thing as we exit the car. We go inside and I pull my hood over my head, keeping my head down. I try to ignore everyone's eyes on us, but it starts to overwhelm me. I see people turning to their friends whispering, taking turns looking our way. I need to get away. I rush a goodbye to Jack and make a beeline for a restroom. There's one around the corner near the cafeteria. 

"Thanks for the ride, Jack! See you later." Jack waves at me, and I dart away. I round the corner and I'm almost to the door of the girl's restroom when someone forcefully turns me around, smothering me in a hug. I tense until I smell something familiar. Calvin Klein's Eternity. It had been on sale on Black Friday two years ago and my best friend bought like seven bottles of the cologne.

"Mmhpf, Matthew, you're suffocating me." I say into his chest. He releases me and I look up at my best friend. His skin is the color of hot-chocolate. Long, coffee-colored curls framed his face, soft brown eyes beaming down at me. Everything about him screamed warmth and comfort.

A wide grin spread across his face as he wrapped me in another tight hug. "Sorry, girl." He tells me, apologetically. "I'm just excited to see you! No calls or texts for three weeks, I've been dying without you." He put extra emphasis on the word dying. His eyes grew wide after that, realizing what he said "Eeesh, poor word choice."

I laugh at that, knowing he didn't mean it badly. "It's fine. No offense taken." He smiles at that, seeming relieved.

"It's just, no one has seen or heard from you in weeks, rumors were starting to circulate that you died too." I cringe at that last statement. Nope, just my parents.

He seems to notice my tension and speaks softer. "There I go with that word again. Sorry, I was just worried. I tried to find you after the funeral, but Sarah told me you'd left. You're my best friend, I would've been there for you." He squeezes my shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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