Chapter 3

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Hi! Thanks for giving my story a chance (: I hope you enjoy!


After my parents died, I couldn't bear to step foot in my house, so when Sarah came down for the funeral, she offered to pack some things for me when we made the move to Emily's. It wasn't much, we weren't actually going to be living here, so it only took me about 30 minutes to get everything ready for my next move to Jack's house.

As I dropped the last of my things into my backpack, I heard a car honk outside. I ran to the window to see my godfather stepping out of his BMW, pulling Sarah into a hug when she went out to greet him.

Quickly, I grabbed my bag and headed out to meet them, stopping when I heard faint arguing coming from the twins' bedroom.

"No, we can't do that! It wouldn't even work, dum dum," I heard Avery tell her brother. They continued arguing.

"What wouldn't work, Aves?" I asked, startling them both. As soon as they saw me, Axel jumped up and ran to me wrapping his little arms around my legs.

"Alyce! Avey called me dum dum, she's so mean!" Axel cried. I smiled at the cute name he gave his sister because he can't say his R's entirely.

With a mock gasp, I ask Avery "Why would you call Axel a dum dum? He's the smartest little boy I know." At that, Axel sticks his tongue out at his sister. "See? I'm not dumb," he says.

Avery sticks her tongue right back at him. "Yes he is, his plan won't even work!"

"What plan is that, Axel?" I ask the five-year-old. He looks at me with the cutest puppy dog eyes and says, "I was going to hide your toothbrush so you couldn't leave. You can't leave without your toothbrush. Mama says you have to brush your teeth every day or they'll start falling out like Grandpa's."

I smiled at this.

"That's stupid, Aunt Sarah will just get her a new one, dum dum" Avery cries to her brother.

"Avery," I started, "you can't call your brother a dum dum, it isn't nice." Avery pouted at that.

"We just don't want you to leave," she said with a sad look on her face. "it's not fair that you have to leave!" Axel nodded along with his sister, clutching on to my legs tighter than before. I picked him up and knelt down close to his sister. Looking at them both, I said, "I might be living somewhere else, but I'll still come see you guys, I promise. Who's going to watch the new episodes of My Little Pony with me?" I ask, earning a smile from both of them.

"Promise?" They asked together.

"Promise," I repeated.

I left, hearing them move on to their next argument about who loves the cartoon more. I walked down the stairs and went outside to meet my aunt and Jack. Jack immediately smiled when he saw me.

"Hey, kiddo. You ready to head to casa de McLeod?" Jack says in his deep, throaty voice.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say with a small smile. He reaches for my bag.

"I'll put this in the car if you want to go get the rest of your things. Desiree's already got the guest room set up for you." He says, talking about his wife.

"Uh, thats it, really," I say, "I didn't think I needed to bring my whole room here while we stayed with Emily."

Jack looks at me and smiles, "That's okay," he says as we walk towards his car, "we can just stop by your house and get the rest of it."

I stop suddenly, fumbling for an excuse to keep me from going back there. "Oh, uh, no. That's okay. I don't want to make you go all the way --"

"No, it's not a big deal!" He interrupts. "We want to make our home as comfortable as we can for you. One little bag isn't going to do that. We'll just stop by and you can pack the rest of your things."

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