Chapter 7

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I sit in the center of my room, staring at my suitcases, debating whether I want to unpack everything now. Who even knows what's in the suitcases. Probably just clothes, she knew I needed more than just the few pants and sweaters I've been interchanging for weeks. Still, I hope she packed a few different books, too. Maybe the forest green quilt she had given me from a renaissance faire she and my parents had gone to years before I was born.

I'm just about to unzip the first suitcase when my phone starts vibrating on the nightstand. I stand up to get it, my mood lifting when I see who's calling.


"Greetings, Auntie." I say into the phone, putting her on speaker phone. She's laughing into her phone.

"Greetings, Niece. I just landed, how are you handling things out there?"

"It hasn't even been a full day, Sarah." I say, "I'm doing the same as yesterday. Which isn't bad." I added the last part quickly, not wanting to worry my aunt into a 'feelings' chat during this phone call.

"Yeah, it sure looked that way this morning. Was that Xavier McLeod sitting with you on the back porch this morning?" Sarah asks, a teasing note in her tone. 

I blush, thankful no one is around to see it, "It wasn't like that," I tell Sarah. "Besides, he hasn't exactly been my best park pal from kindergarten these days." 

"Uh huh," she starts, "Well, I know all to well the effect a 'bad boy' can have on an innocent young girl, so you be careful. And I know I'm just your aunt, but I'm sure your parents would want me to tell you this:

NO SEX." She speaks in a maternal tone, one I'm sure she's not used to using.You're too young and all that business. "Save yourself for someone special." 

I stifle a laugh. I guess mom never got around to telling her sister-in-law that I no longer held my V-Card. And while I did in fact give it to someone special, I decide to keep that information to myself, wanting to appease my aunt as best I can. "Don't worry, Sarah. Nothing's happening with Xavier. You can trust me. My parents did." I tell her with a small smile.

There's a thud outside my bedroom door, startling me. I get up to investigate the sound, thinking someone must be eavesdropping, but when I open my door, I don't see anyone. I can hear faint snoring coming from Xavier's room, and I know Jack and Desiree are downstairs right now. 

Great, I'm hearing things now. Crazy, little orphan girl.

Sarah's still on the line and I can hear choking up on the phone, so I decide to let her off the hook. "So, looks like I now have so much more to unpack, courtesy of the best aunt in the entire world -- thank you, by the way. And thanks for grabbing my quilt, I was hoping you would."

"Anytime, just call if you need anything. It's not that long of a trip. Say the word and I'm on the next flight out there."

We say goodbye, and I drop my phone on the floor next to me.

Going back to my original task, I pull the smallest bag towards me thinking to myself, maybe Jack's right. Maybe this doesn't have to be a temporary home.

My phone buzzes with a text message. Sarah.

Oh! Forgot to mention it, but good luck at school tomorrow!

Fresh Hell. I almost forgot about school.

With a groan, I shove the bag away with my foot and lay back on the floor realizing, not for the first time, how terrible it's going to be.

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