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As I slowly regained consciousness, I mustered the courage to crawl out from under the bed. Rising to my feet, I glanced around the room, only to be greeted by a sight that sent shivers down my spine. The door was wide open, and the chair I had placed against it lay discarded on the ground. It was clear that someone had been in the room, and the realization filled me with fear and unease.

Without wasting a moment, I hastily exited the room, determined to find a way out of this mysterious level. The dimly lit hallways stretched out before me, seeming to twist and turn in an endless maze. Every step I took was laced with caution, as I remained observant for any signs of danger.

As I frantically searched for an escape route in this nightmarish level, desperation began to consume me. The walls of the yellowish room seemed to close in, taunting me with their unwelcome familiarity. I knew that if the partygoers discovered me, my chances of survival would plummet.

Just as my hope started to dwindle, a glimmer of relief caught my eye. There, on the floor, lay a bottle of almond water. A small, unexpected gift in this twisted realm. With a flicker of defiance, I thought to myself, "No way they will scam me." I mustered all my strength, ignoring the searing pain in my ankle, and quickly grabbed the bottle before retreating in the opposite direction.

As I limped my way through the narrow corridor behind me, the atmosphere grew even more unsettling. The fun rooms, with their vibrant decorations and festive ambiance, now felt eerily uncanny. Confetti adorned the floors, birthday banners hung ominously, and colorful balloons seemed to mock my desperate situation.

The thought of edible food in the fun rooms provided a small comfort amidst the chaos. At least hunger wouldn't be my immediate demise. However, I reminded myself to avoid the tempting allure of the cake, knowing well the dangers it held.

My limping footsteps echoed through the corridor, and that's when I became acutely aware of a presence trailing behind me. Fear gripped my heart, causing it to race in my chest. I glanced over my shoulder, catching a glimpse of something yellow out of the corner of my eye. But when I turned back, there was nothing there. The inexplicable sight sent shivers down my spine, and instinctively, I began to run.

Each step sent a sharp jolt of pain through my twisted ankle, but the fear propelled me forward. The hallway eventually split into two smaller paths, and without hesitation, I veered left, hoping to put some distance between myself and whatever lurked in the shadows. As I gradually slowed my pace, my ragged breaths filled the silence, and I allowed myself a momentary respite.

But just as I started to regain my composure, a raspy voice pierced the air. Although I couldn't comprehend the words, the unmistakable tone revealed its source—a partygoer. Panic surged through my veins, igniting a primal instinct to survive. Without hesitation, I sought refuge under a nearby table, hoping against hope that I would remain hidden.

Crouched beneath the table, trembling hand pressed against my chest to still the pounding of my heart, I waited. Minutes turned into an agonizing eternity as I listened intently for any signs of danger. One minute passed, then two, and soon, ten turned into thirty. Still, there was no sign of the partygoer. Perhaps the wanderers were right—the table provided the best chance at eluding detection.

Gradually, my trembling subsided, and I cautiously emerged from my hiding place. Every movement was deliberate, every step carefully calculated to minimize noise. But as I stepped out from under the table, my spear slipped from my grasp and clattered against the ground, breaking the stifling silence. In that moment, time stood still as fear rooted me to the spot.

After what felt like an eternity, I gathered my wits and scanned the room for any useful items. My eyes landed on a storage closet tucked away in a corner. Curiosity piqued, I cautiously approached and opened the door, revealing a treasure trove of supplies. Among them, I found a yellow paper plate and some red paint. Without hesitation, I sketched a smile on the plate, using the red paint I found, I then attached it to my face with some tape I found. It looks halfway decent but I just had to make sure I wouldn't be recognized as a partypooper.

I then found a yellow oversized hoodie and slipped in on over my black one. "Great now I look like a human pretending to be a partygoer" I thought to myself.

The raspy voice the appeared once again but this time the voice was right behind me."Nice to see you again" I turned around instantly to see a familiar figure. Tall with leathery skin, a bloody cartoon smile for a face, and wide openings on their hands filled with teeth.

I then froze in fear as I saw the point their their claws in my direction.

The mute partypooper Where stories live. Discover now