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In that moment, my mind raced with desperate thoughts, searching for any possible means of survival. I wracked my brain, considering options like pleading for mercy or attempting to dodge and run. But then, a flicker of realization ignited within me.

Without a moment's hesitation, I lunged forward, aiming my spear at the partygoer before me. However, he dodged my attack, evading my strike. Thinking quickly, I summoned all my strength and forcefully pushed him with all my might. The partygoer stumbled and crashed to the ground, but not before sinking his teeth into my arm with one of his gruesome hand openings. The searing pain shot through me as I made my escape.

Adrenaline surged through my veins as I sprinted away, my every instinct urging me to flee without looking back. But as I raced forward, a haunting lullaby drifted through the air. A strange weakness coursed through my body, threatening to consume me.

Driven by sheer desperation, I sought refuge once more beneath a nearby table, praying that this hiding spot would prove more effective then last time. My heart pounded in my chest, its rapid rhythm a testament to my fear. Miraculously, the lullaby ended as I positioned myself under the table, granting me a momentary reprieve from its haunting influence. Glimpsing at my wound, I observed its size—large but not deep—a visible reminder of the partygoer's vicious attack. Sharp pain radiated through my arm, coursing through my entire body, intensified by the venom that now tainted my bloodstream. I couldn't help but wonder if my humanity would be compromised, if I too would succumb to the transformation into a partygoer or if me being not completely human would help me.

With each passing moment, the pain in my arm intensified, surpassing even the agony I experienced when I lost my voice due to a brutal stab through my voice box. It was a testament to the sinister potency of their venom. As I gradually calmed myself, the pain became even more painful, a reminder of my dire predicament.

Just as I mustered the courage to emerge from my hiding place, a chilling sensation brushed against my uninjured arm. Time seemed to halt as fear gripped me, my body freezing in response. Slowly and cautiously, I turned to face the source of the disturbance.

"BOO!" A raspy and mischievous voice erupted from behind me, shattering the fragile calm I had managed to cultivate.

The mute partypooper Where stories live. Discover now