Your comming with me

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I shuddered in fear, my heart pounding in my chest as I saw them. Instantly, a scream escaped my lips, echoing through the empty room. Their cartoonish smile did nothing to ease my unease. I could just feel their eyes on me, watching my every move. It was as if they had been observing me all along, waiting for this moment.

Before I could react, they chaotically leaped towards me, causing me to lose my balance and fall to the floor. The impact made my elbow collide with the hard ground, sending a sharp pain through my arm. I knew deep down that there was no escape, but the instinct to fight back took over me. I thrashed and struggled, desperately trying to break free from their grasp.

But as the minutes turned into hours, exhaustion began to consume me. My body grew weaker, my movements slower. The realization that resistance was futile slowly sank in. I reluctantly surrendered, allowing defeat to wash over me.

In a cruel twist of fate, they tore off my "partygoer mask," their laughter ringing in my ears. "My smile isn't the crooked one, you know!" they complained, their voice filled with frustration. I was too terrified to respond in any way, my hands trembling as I watched them tear apart the paper plate mask. When they finished, they stared at me in silence, their eyes piercing into my soul.

"Take off your mask!" they demanded, their voice laced with authority. Fear gripped me, paralyzing my every movement. I could only watch helplessly as they attempted to remove my mask themselves.

"Stop," I signed in ASL. Summoning the last ounce of strength within me, I managed to reach for my spear and aimed it at the partygoer. "You're not human, and I know it!" I shouted, my voice filled with determination. But instead of retreating, they yelled even louder, their anger intensifying. "WHAT ARE YOU?" they bellowed, throwing my spear aside and persistently trying to remove my mask as I desperately fought to protect myself.

"I'll tell you, just stop hurting me, please," I pleaded in ASL, tears streaming down my face. As I shielded my vulnerable face once again, I was taken aback when the partygoer unexpectedly cooperated. They ceased their assault, lowering their tone and crouching down to my level. "I'm all ears," they said, their voice softening.

The sudden change in their demeanor caught me off guard. I stared at them in fear, unable to find the words to explain myself. Trembling uncontrollably, I felt on the verge of breaking down.

They continued to gaze at me, silently urging me to speak. "Are you going to start talking, or do I need to start screaming again?" they threatened, their tone sharp and menacing.

"Alright, I'm a partypooper, please don't hurt me," I pleaded in ASL. Although the partygoer couldn't express emotions through their face, their body language conveyed utter confusion.

"A partypooper?" they questioned, pointing at me skeptically. "But aren't they all dead? Is there something I don't know?" they pondered, their eyes fixed on me. Without a word, they momentarily left the room and returned with a laptop in hand. "Don't move, or you're dead, understand?" they warned, their voice laced with menace. They then opened the laptop and began typing furiously. I listened intently, too afraid to even breathe.

"The Partypoopers WERE Entities that resided on level 52. They WERE usually known for their polarity with the Partygoers and their peace-loving nature. Due to the events of the Fun War, this entity is now Extinct" they quoted. When they finished they gave me a weird stare waiting for me to do anything.

"Is that the laptop from the Boredom Room?" I asked in ASL, my hands trembling as I signed the question.

"Yeah, we stole it," the partygoer answered, their voice filled with a mixture of mischief and uncertainty. "Or so I've been told," they added, their eyes fixed on me, studying my reaction. Suddenly, a silence fell upon us, and I could sense their mind working, piecing things together. Their gaze grew even more intense, their curiosity reaching new heights. "So, you really are...?" they trailed off, their voice filled with a need for confirmation. As they noticed my visible sobbing, their expression softened.

In a surprising turn of events, they scooped me up in their arms, carrying me in a bridal style. Panic surged through me, and I struggled against their hold, desperately attempting to break free. "I ain't going anywhere with you! You literally made my species basically extinct!" I wanted to scream, to fight back with all my might but I couldn't. My punches and kicks landed on the partygoer, causing them to drop me so he bended down to meet my gaze.

"Well, you know, I sense death moths near," they threatened, their voice taking on a terrifying, distorted tone. "It's either going to be more of them or me. Choose wisely," they warned, their eyes piercing into mine. A shiver ran down my spine as they continued to stare, waiting for my response. "You know, I'm sure they could get the job done a whole lot quicker," they added, their words sending a chill through my entire being.

"You're going to hurt me, aren't you?" I asked in ASL, my hesitation evident.

"You won't know if you won't check," they replied coldly. "It's either yes or no, so the chances are 50/50. However, the Deathmoths definitely wouldn't miss such an opportunity. So I hope they like the taste of a Partypooper." I was too terrified to say anything in return, so I simply obeyed, allowing them to carry me wherever they pleased. This time, they carried me on their back, as they held my spear tightly in their grasp.

We returned to the place where I had first appeared in the fun rooms, but this time, we headed towards the almond water that remained on the floor. "Don't worry, that's mine," the partygoer reassured me, their voice filled with a strange mix of possessiveness and protectiveness. We took a right turn, and my eyes fell upon a white door with a keypad. Without hesitation, the partygoer entered the password, causing the door to open. They stepped inside, which caused my heart to start pounding in my chest.

The mute partypooper Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon