Chapter 47

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Piling back into the car to drive up the mountain, I sit up front to keep from feeling carsick this time. But I can't help but turn and look at my favorite women every few minutes, loving the giddy energy surrounding me.

"Thank you all so much for coming with me today." The wolves all straighten in attention, widening my smile. "This means so much to me. Before meeting Noah, I never thought I'd have any other bridesmaids than Kira and Amy."

Kira's smile warps, her jaw dropping like I just slapped her. "Girl, what did you just call me?"

"A... bridesmaid?"

"You call your female friends fucking maids? Humans are so sexist!"

"No, no, no, not a maid! A bridesmaid! It's one word for all of the bride's favorite people featured in the wedding." My eyes widen. "Although, wait— That is kind of weird, now that I think about it. Is it supposed to be like 'maidens?'"

Every wolf under 35 groans.

I have to laugh. "You really haven't heard any humans say that? Not even in movies?"

Amy sputters out a laugh with me, and our attention whips to her. She grants me a sarcastic smile, returning her eyes on the road after rolling them dramatically. "These wolves are so sheltered in their dens, aren't they?"

I laugh, rocking her shoulder. "Not like that! You know what I mean!"

She sighs through the end of her laugh, sparking warmth through my heart with the smile I've always known. "I'm messing with you, girl."

But Kira growls beneath her breath in the backseat. "Nah, I'm not being a goddamn handmaiden. We need a pack name for our new mini–" Kira cuts herself off with a gasp, and Amy laughs even harder. "Fuck. Don't tell Noah I suggested breaking into a smaller pack or he'll kick my Alpha ass for treason."

I bust out laughing. "What? He wouldn't!"

"She's kidding! ...Kind of," Amy says. "But I agree, babe. I think we should call ourselves something about sexifying our Luna."

Yasmine snaps her fingers. "Oh, yes! How about the Sexy Luna Taskforce?"

"Shit, I like that," Kira says.

"Oh, fuck yes, Kira!"

They high five over Rainn's head, forcing her to duck, and I burst into laughter with Amy and Rainn. Lilian shakes her head in the far back seat, but I can feel the giggly energy radiating from her from here.

I'm so happy. I hope my mom can join in our fun with us, wherever she is.

After a long, dizzying mountain drive, I wobble on my feet outside of Celestial Couture.

I'm nervous now. I hope I look nice enough.

But once we're inside, the grandiosity doesn't hit me the way the women described it. It's beautiful, but it looks a lot like other wedding dress stores I've been in. Maybe the wolves just aren't used to how elaborate human weddings are.

Rainn takes my hand, running me to one of the dresses. "Future Luna, what do you think? Do you prefer something minimal? Elaborate? Big and flowy, or tight and lacy?"

"Well, what do Luna dresses usually look like? I know they're white–"

Kira drops five blaring-white dresses on the floor across the room with a loud clatter. Yasmine backs up, accidentally stepping on the de-racked dresses as she yanks another off the rack.

My stomach sinks. "Oh– Oh, my God–"

Amy rushes over to scold them, but the minute I turn back to respond to Rainn, she's face-deep in the wedding dresses, giving them deep sniffs.

Freeing My Alpha: Book 2 of My Shy AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now