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Lunch break was already around the corner, Y/n walked through the crowded hallways before the bell rang to find a locker to put her stuff in before she could even continue walking. She felt a tap on her shoulder. "Hey, where are you going?" she heard a familiar voice, Janis and Damian. "Oh, I'm planning to get a locker so I can put some of my stuff away, not sure where yet, why?" Janis glanced at her E/c eyes before clearing her throat. "We were wondering if you wanted to come sit with us" she said breaking eye contact, her attention shifting to Damian.

"We'll also help you find your clique, if we can, but FIRST I think you should get a locker near ours! Come on!" Damian suggested, guiding the way as they kept talking. "I didn't really thought of it, I was just going to eat outside or in the hallways-" Y/n trailed off. "But of course, besides you guys look pretty cool and interesting to hang out with, so I'm down to" her eyes brightened up. "Tits!" janis said, a small smile appearing on her face. "Oh, that's her way of saying that's great" Damian added as they soon arrived at their school lockers



If it wasn't for Janis inviting me to sit with them, I would've ended up eating alone like some teenage kid in films or eating in the bathroom. I ended up getting a locker near them, and we made our way over to a table, sitting down as I started getting my lunch out to eat, taking the first few bites.

Cady walked through the cafeteria to find a place to sit but failed as people kept taking up or covering the open seat. She soon gave up and went back to exit the cafeteria, taking her lunch tray with her "Do you think we should go check on her?" Damian spoke as they observed someone. I turned around to see where they were staring, noticing a redhead exiting the cafeteria. "Where is Cady going?" I said before realizing where she was heading. "Please don't tell me she's going to the bathroom to eat lunch there" I said my attention going back to Janis and Damian ,who now had concerned looks on their faces. Janis placed her drink down, the three of us got up and headed to the bathroom.

We entered the bathroom, Damian looked around to make sure there was no one nearby before fully entering until a girl came out of a stall washing her hands, but he didn't care. "I think it's this one?" I mentioned, sounding unsure if it was her or someone else. Damian walked past us as "Are you okay in there?" he asked knocking on the bathroom door a few times. "Uh, yes?" the girl inside replied back.

"It's just you've been in there a very long time" he went on. "we're concerned that you're either doing drugs or having a toilet baby." I glanced over at them "Do you guys think she's okay?" I wondered out loud. "Probably" Janis shrugged, until the bathroom door swung open, revealing Cady sitting with her lunch tray in her lap. I started to feel bad for Cady since she had to eat lunch alone, and even worse that she had to eat in the bathroom. The three of us looked at each other to think of something until Janis decided to speak, coming closer to the stall "Hi, I'm Janis," she spoke as she waved at Cady. Damian soon said something in French as he smiled, "This is Damian, he is almost too gay to function" Janis said as she made the limp wrist gesture "But I'll push through, I manage," Damian replied. "And I'm Y/n" I waved.

"Hi" Cady replied, looking at the three of us confused. "we've been watching you all day, you're a mess, so we volunteered to amplify your lunch experience" Damian continued talking. Although I'm new too, I could try to help in some way. "Yeah, what Damian is saying is we will help you, Caddy" Janis leaned against the bathroom stall. "Thanks so much" Cady smiled at them "Oh and it's Cady" she said, shortly after her attention went to me as I started backing away from the bathroom stall to give the redhead space. "yeah, I'm gonna call you Caddy" Janis and Damian backed away from the door as well "Get out of the toilet" She said. We exited the bathroom and walked down the hallway, which took us to the cafeteria.

The 4 of us stood near a wall as Damian looked ready to go over the tables. "Ok, so you just need to find your clique and commit to it" Damian spoke as he soon pointed out one of the tables. "You have your jocks" he turned around continuing to point to the next table. "Your corny horny band freaks" our attention going to them as 2 couples were making out, " Your classic burnouts, Do any of these feel like your people?" he asked

"I don't think so" Cady shook her head in response as he soon thought of something, " You know what might be cute for her?" Damian attention went to the theater kids table. "What, Grade grubbers?" Cady asked, "No I was gonna say theater," Damian said his attention still fixed on the theater kids table, as he soon waved over at someone. 'That's so gay' I thought to myself when Damian had that look on his face while he waved at that guy.

Cady looked over and pointed out a table where two girls were talking. "Who are they?" she asked, Janis's facial expression changed into a disgusted one. "Oh no no no no. We call them the plastics because they're shiny, fake, and hard." Damian exclaimed. "That one there is Gretchen Wieners, she knows everything about everyone" Janis began to speak, introducing the girl who was leaning at the lunch table, talking with the other girl. "That's why her hair is so big, it's full of secrets." Damian chimed in. "And that's Karen Shetty" she continued talking about the other girl, who was holding her drink close to her nose, "She's the dumbest person you'll ever meet" Janis finished talking, " I once saw her put a D in the word orange" he added.

Can I just sit with you guys?" Janis was about to smile before she thought of it. "I actually don't know, we've never been asked that question before. Could she?" her attention went to Damian waiting for him to say something and for my opinion. "We are very exclusive," Damian replied, tucking his hair, a small smile beginning to appear across his face. "But I think we can make an exception" he continued. "She could" I spoke, Cady breathed out feeling relieved

Unexpectedly, the lights go down as the sound of heels can be heard clicking down along the cafeteria floor.

'What the fuck is happening now?'



(1190 words)
I finally had the chance to continue writing this story. After I had to do my work first, I literally wrote this while being at school lmao

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