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A blonde girl walked through with her lunch tray, everyone in the cafeteria went and sit somewhere or found a place to sit, as Cady and Y/n stood still, "FUCK" Janis went to take a seat "What was that?" Cady asked, looking around, her eyes going to the leather jacket blonde haired girl walking through the cafeteria. "Oh Lord it's the Queen bee!" Damian yelled on his way to take a seat "The queen what?" Y/n scoffed her attention on the blonde girl. Janis tried to pull her arm so she could sit down on the table but failed. "Don't look her in the eye!" He exclaimed, Janis and Damian were both now sitting at their table.



Y/n's Pov

"Hey you Two!" Cady and I glanced at each other "Yeah you two come here" the blonde girl sitting on top of a table in the center of the cafeteria with the other two girls called us. I turned around to see Janis signaling us to not go but ended up going either way.

"I've never seen you two around here. I'm Regina George" She says, introducing herself and looking at both of us. "Oh, we are both new here, I just moved here from Kenya" Cady says smiling. "And I moved here from C/n" I added. "Shut up, shut up.." the blonde fixed her sitting position, as Gretchen began to stand up from her seat "we didn't say anything" the redhead smiled awkwardly.

"You two are really pretty," Regina said, her smile seeming fake although it was a little intimidating. "Thanks," Cady responded. "Oh?" It's all I let out looking over at her since she was the only one who answered. "So you agree, you think you're really pretty?" She added. "Oh I don't know," the redhead continued to smile awkwardly. Gretchen said something about Cady being an International student and saying it was so Fetch. "What is Fetch?" Regina turned around to face her. "Oh it's like a slang. From an old movie," Karen soon questioned Cady about something, soon saying one of her life goals was to not to touch a tiger.

"Hey new girls, you want to see a magic trick? I can guess any girl's bra size, all you have to do is jump one time," a guy came out of nowhere. Ew.

"Ew Jason" the brown haired girl let out in disgust. "Do me," Karen spoke as she jumped. Dear lord, I wanna leave, I thought to myself.

"Oh my god, Jason you do not come to my party at my house with Gretchen and then skeez on the new girls right in front of me," Regina stood up from her seat and turned around to face us. "Do you want to have a threesome with him?" She asked us.

"Uh no thank you."

"Hell nah" I shook my head in disgust. 'what the fuck is that question?'

"Oh then it's settled. Jason no one thinks you're funny okay, and this thing that you're doing where you lower your voice when you speak is making people really upset," the blonde said with a stern voice before interrupting everyone in the cafeteria to ask them if they all wanted the guy Jason to go back to his normal voice. Everyone in the cafeteria raised their hands. The guy shortly walked away, leaving his bag of chips on a table, and soon everyone lowered them down, going back to their business.

"Wow, you two are really getting noticed around here. We can help you but Can you give us a minute?" Regina asked as she turned around to take a seat and speak to Gretchen and Karen. "Oh of course," Cady replied as both of us shared glimpses. We turned around to look at Janis and Damian. I gave them the 'please help me' look, which they started signaling to us about our food and to come back.

"Alright so we don't really do this, but we invite you two to eat lunch with us for the rest of the week," the girls declared as she looked at me and Cady. "On Wednesdays we wear pink," Karen added, interrupting Cady with what she had to say.

"Uh about that, I truly appreciate the invitation but I'm already sitting down with some people who invited me before you girls, so no thank you," I commented, smiling nervously, soon heading back to the table. "Oh? Then we'll give you time to think about it" Regina stated. It sounded as if she was demanding. I could feel her glaring at me, but I shrugged it off.

I walked back to the table where the duo was sitting, as I sat next to Janis who soon chimed in. "What did they call you for?" She sounded curious. "Uh they invited me if I wanted to sit with them for the whole week and I said no, 'cause I already had somewhere to sit which was with you guys," I spoke, giving them a small smile. Janis' expression changed into a tentative smile as she exchanged looks with Damian. " They also said that I should think about it?" I added before getting cut off by Damian. "Hold on, Did you just say No to the Queen Bee? That's hilarious" he chuckled, soon after the bell rang.

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