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Damian watched as Cady and Y/n made their way over to where the plastics were, "Well, there goes the new girls" he exclaimed, scoffing a little and turning around to face Janis. "They are screwed" She let out, still glaring at Regina's table. He followed her gaze and his attention went back to her. People were always intrigued by Regina George and her minions.

"Are you worried about them both?" Damian asked, concerned, crossing his arms. "Of course I am, I'm worried about Y/n-" she trailed off. "And Caddy, of course." she added, not saying anything else.

Damian looked at her, concerned, knowing it was probably about time Janis would have a crush on someone on the first day.

Moments later, Y/n looked back along with Cady as if she wanted to leave. Janis and Damian signaled them to come back, but shortly after, their attention went back to the plastics once again. "Hopefully, they don't turn out to be like them" Damian finished talking.


Y/n pov

"They want us to have lunch with them this whole week" Cady mentioned as we all exited the cafeteria on our way downstairs. "That is Tits!" Janis chuckled. "She means that's great" Damian chimed in

"I really don't get why you guys hate them so much, Regina seems kinda co-"

"No, no! No! Regina George is not cool, she is a scum sucking life ruiner."

"I'm pretty sure she was just trying to be nice or something" I shrugged. Janis' attention went to me, raising an eyebrow. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Janis hates Regina because when we were in sixth grade she told everyone th-" Janis turned around to glare at him. "Damian!" she shouted. "What?" he looked over at her. "Shall we not?" Janis declared as she glared at him a bit with worry "I was just providing context!" Damian defended himself. Me and Cady exchanged extremely confused looks. Maybe this topic was sensitive for Janis? Her attention went back to us again.

"Caddy, you should have lunch with them and then report back to us and tell us every stupid, moronic thing they say." a mischievous grin grew on janis' face.

"Spy on them, that's bad?" Cady asked, suspecting something. "No!"

"Look at us! Would we ever ask you to do something bad?" Janis said, wrapping her arm around Damian's shoulder as they smiled.

"Okay, I'll do it, but what about Y/n? I don't want to go alone" the red-haired girl asked. I glanced over at her. 'Why did she have to mention me?' I said in my head, face palming mentally 

"Yes!" Janis let out as we continued walking downstairs.

"I'm still thinking about it, but sure, I'll sit with them for one day" I replied, sounding unsure. You swore you saw Janis' smile fade a bit, but she brushed it off.

"Do you have a pink shirt I could borrow?" asked Cady. "No!"

"Yes, what shade?" Damian said happy someone was gonna wear pink. "Oh, y/n, we need to wear pink tomorrow, by the way" I nodded in agreement. Cady walked away to head to her class.

"Y/n, are you sure you want to do this?" Janis asked, looking over at Damian a bit worried.

"Yes? But I'm only doing this for one day, and then I'm out," I said. "What's your last class?" Damian asked, changing the topic. "Oh, it's AP calculus, what about you guys?" I responded. "We both have Art class, Do you know where your class is?" I smiled at them nodding, and waved at them


By the time last period rolled by, Y/n headed to Ms Norbury's class for AP class after parting ways from Janis and Damian as they made their way to find a seat in the back. Y/n sat on the right side in front of a mathlete, and where Cady somewhat sat in the middle before the bell rang. Soon enough, class started.

Ms. Norbury began to explain the lesson, not expecting anyone to respond. "The answer is 3" Cady answered, Ms Norbury moved on to the next one, "K equals -3" Once again Cady answered which was right. A few students turned in her direction, including the guy in front of her and she looked at him, maintaining eye contact for a bit, somehow love struck.

Y/n didn't pay much attention and continued to pay attention and take notes about the lesson. Minutes later, Cady's pen fell on the floor, and the guy in front of her bent down and picked it up for her. She smiled. Soon enough Cady was holding the pen close to her face as if she was smelling a flower. The H/C haired girl gave her a puzzled look while other people looked at Cady as if she was crazy.



"Y/n L/n, can I speak with you for a second?" Ms. Norbury asked, walking towards me with a sheet of paper as everyone exited the class to go home. "Oh sure" I replied. "So, we might have mistakenly added you to this class. But we are giving you the choice to transfer to another class. Do you have any classes in mind you would like to be in?"

"Uh, yes actually, I would like to be in Art class?" I said, looking at the teacher, already knowing the reason why I wanna be in that class. "Alright, then we'll have your schedule updated by tomorrow morning. Have a good rest of your day" I said goodbye to the teacher, walking out about to exit school. I noticed Janis and Damian near the lockers talking until they glanced over in my direction.

"Y/n!" Janis called out, waving over with a small smile on her face, which I waved back and made my way over to where they were. "We thought you already left the moment the bell rang. By the way, do you need a pink shirt you need to borrow because I can lend you one?" Damian asked, closing his locker.

"Actually, yeah, I need to borrow one now that I think of it. Besides, I was just about to head home, so I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Wait, Y/n, before you go, give us your number. Let's make a group chat." Janis said, pulling out her phone and handing it to me. I looked at her and nodded, typing my number into her phone and waved at them goodbye.

I exited the building and saw Cady not so far away about to cross the road when a yellow school bus sped past her. My eyes widened since I thought she was gonna get run over.



Once Y/n arrived home, she let herself fall on the couch and let out a deep sigh of relief. "Hey, how was your first day?" Dad asked. "I was expecting it to be horrible, but it ended up being great" she replied, pulling herself to a sitting position, glancing over at her dad, who was in the kitchen drinking coffee and making dinner. "That's good to hear. Did you make new friends?"

"About that, I did make new friends. I met this girl in my homeroom class. Her name is Janis, and she's really cool." She stopped talking as she made her way over to sit at the dinner table. Before she could even continue, she glanced at her dad who gave her that look, Her dad has been the first person who she came out to as (Your sexuality) so he knew what was going on 

Y/n took a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing,"And there's this guy Damian, who's friends with her. They are both really nice and he's the one that helped me today. Oh, and there's Cady, who I met today as well. She's in my AP class" Her dad smiled, happy to hear that Y/n had made some new friends on her first day.

As they both sat down to eat dinner, Y/n's mind went back to the events of the day. Soon remembering how she had to sit with the plastics, and how Cady was about to get hit by a bus, She took a note to check in with Cady the next day to make sure she was okay.

After dinner, Y/n went to her room to unpack some of her other stuff she had in boxes decorating her room to make it seem less boring other than the grey walls, while listening to her favorite music. Hours later she drifted off to sleep



Hii everyone thank you all so much for all the reads this story has gotten, like HEKWKWKQMW. Also I'm sorry this took me a bit long to update I have been dealing with some personal things, so this chapter might be bad.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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