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Once upon a time, there was a girl named Elara. She was tired of her boring life. She felt like she needed a fresh start, like hitting the reset button. But she didn't know how to do it.

Then one day, out of nowhere, a mysterious man showed up. He had red eyes and a creepy smile. He said he was the ruler of Hell. His name was Malachi. He told Elara he could give her a new life, a totally different one, full of excitement and adventure.

But there was a catch. To get this new life, Elara had to give up everyone she loved. Her family, her friends, everyone. It sounded crazy, but the idea of starting fresh was tempting.

Malachi gave Elara two months to decide. But he didn't leave her alone during that time. He kept popping up everywhere she went, like he was always watching her. It was super creepy.

Elara was torn. She didn't want to leave her loved ones, but she also wanted something more from life. She spent those two months thinking and thinking, trying to make the hardest decision of her life.

Finally, the two months were up. Elara stood before Malachi, her heart racing. She took a deep breath and made her choice.

And that's where our story ends. What did Elara choose? Well, that's a mystery for another day.

Elara stood before Malachi, her heart pounding in her chest. She looked into his piercing red eyes, trying to find any hint of what lay beyond this decision. But his expression remained inscrutable, as if he held all the answers to her future in that unnerving smile.

"I need more time," Elara finally said, her voice trembling slightly.

Malachi tilted his head, his gaze unwavering. "More time? You've already had two months, Elara. What more could you possibly need?"

"I... I just need to be sure," Elara stammered, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. She couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility towards her loved ones, nor could she ignore the allure of the unknown that Malachi offered.

Malachi's smile widened, sending shivers down Elara's spine. "Very well," he said, his voice like silk laced with danger. "But remember, time is ticking away. Choose wisely, Elara, for once the opportunity is gone, it may never return."

With those ominous words hanging in the air, Malachi disappeared, leaving Elara alone with her thoughts once more. She knew she couldn't delay her decision much longer. But the weight of it all felt heavier than ever before.

For the next few days, Elara wrestled with her inner turmoil. She confided in her closest friends, seeking their advice and comfort. But their words only added to her confusion, each offering a different perspective on what she should do.

As the deadline approached, Elara found herself standing at a crossroads, torn between the life she knew and the tantalizing promise of a new beginning. And with Malachi's persistent presence lingering in the shadows, she knew she had to make her choice soon.

But what would Elara decide? Only time would tell.


I know I deleted the other story I wrote but I had a good reason for it.

I was so bored of it and I felt so unmotivated with it so I quit and now I'm trying it over again. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this one more than you enjoyed the other one.

I loved writing this and I think that's all that matters.

Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️

Back In TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora